Why do i keep picturing Rooney Mara’s dad sending the Giants offense line to protect her from taylor swift. i see mara walking down the street with 6 football lineman surrounding her and taylor setting up for a corner blitz and getting smashed.
Why do i keep picturing Rooney Mara’s dad sending the Giants offense line to protect her from taylor swift. i see mara walking down the street with 6 football lineman surrounding her and taylor setting up for a corner blitz and getting smashed.
I hope its the week she gets her colonoscopy.
Its good but it’s not as avant-garde as Jihadi John’s work , now there was a true master who pushed the boundaries of killing people what a true artiste.
Bella: “Do I make you t-horney baby.”
Damn zsa zs is not getting buried with her jewels I was all set for some grave robbing, Indiana jones style. Does anyone know where joan rivers is buried.
I don’t believe I matter and it’s the best thing that ever happened to me. Fired from job, doesn’t matter, wife left you, who cares, you have cancer, well it’s about time. Once you realize it doesn’t matter and stop fretting for your latte Frappuccino the sense of freedom is amazing, I laugh at the…
I guess not, but they should have just said we are fighting for the LGBTQ community and left it at that.
I’m confused by this, they are fighting for LGBTQ women and girls. Does this mean males born female who are transitioning to male, then they would be fighting for Men and boys. Or just fighting for girls born male who are transitioning to female.
Sorry for the nihilism ,my car broke down recently and I have been having to take the bus.
does anybodys life really matter. Are lives are a meaningless specks in the vastness of the space, here for a less then a second compared to the age of the universe ; we will all die and it will be like we were never here . Nothing we do matters, our lives don’t matter. Happy holidays everybody.
90 year old Jerry: Hey, Lady!
Thats the suprise twist, she’s HRC sister.
Pretty sure that legislation would get frozen in carbonite.
your right these elections are just like star wars :
He needs to work out so he can keep opening doors for old women.
This is really shitty of cho, Swinton reaches out to her to ask why Asian people are offended, maybe she was trying to educate herself , and cho pretty much makes it all about herself and her feelings and has to go run tell that to the press.
Oprah. Huma. Huma. Oprah.