

Wouldn’t be weird if we were able to go into the future and scientology was the only religion.

May a diseased yak squat in your hot tub.

I hope jodie fosters new stalker doesnt take a shot at the president elect.

Police sources say Seweid made up the story because she didn’t want to get in trouble for breaking her curfew after being out late drinking with friends.

Imagine if some white guy said he was harassed and beaten by muslims and in turned out not to be true, he’d be crucified.

It was such arrogance that the democrats pushed Hillary they should have nominated Biden or even Bernie. The Clintons are hated by republicans it energized these people to vote. Michigan, Wisconsin rust belt states have been waiting since the end of the 90’s to get their revenge for NAFTA, these

I hate all these morally outraged people at the UN. What are we supposed to do about this? Barak tried to draw a red line but it didn’t get through congress because the U.S. People didn’t want it , and can you blame them after Iraq mess. And who are these rebels, a lot of them are ISIS or some other

Your dad must be one of those bird nerds.

Who could of predicted this would be a hit. I mean whatever happened to predictability?

The only person who pulled this off was the ODB, Rest in Peace.

This took a week to write.

First it looks like kayne just painted the top of his head gold i was going to say he aint nothing but a gold n**** but i know i will probably get banned.

the Church, while profoundly respecting the persons in question, cannot admit to the seminary or to holy orders those who practice homosexuality, present deep-seated homosexual tendencies or support the so-called ‘gay culture.’ Such persons, in fact, find themselves in a situation that gravely hinders them from

I know where supposed to hate on chet but the note was kind of nice. Seems like he’s trying to live better and I agree with him about not putting his kid on “the gram”.

These look amazing.

Loeb should get trump involved by telling him that Emma and Isabella will absolutely grow up to be hot.

“for the sale of Deschanel’s pet project, Hello Giggle.”