
That was the one good thing about catholic school they could kick out people. I lived in a bad neighbor and the nuns would always threaten us with being kicked out and sent to public school; that scared the shit out of us. But when high-school came around I had to go to a public school because we

RIP Maria Landenburger 19 year old raped and murdered by a muslim refugee.

I can’t believe “the onion” has become the most trusted name in news.

and hear i thought “the secret” was suppose to make me rich.

Looked up the Tag line for Crash on imdb (dont ask me why) they sound just as pretentious as the movie.

Wow that ivanka is hot, what a piece of ass , I would love to grab her pussy. She would probably let you put it in her mouth, pussy, ass her whatever. ( I know this is horrible , but this is how are president elect talks about women so I think we should all talk about his daughter the way he

I think he and Mariah are Tanak-inboots

so am i not suppose to see this movie because there is a white guy in it or because Casey Affleck was accused of sexual assault and settled out of court and hes  white or because it wasn’t any good (and of course don’t forget white guy) . I’m confused.

I remember when this guy was the darling of the left, when he was releasing U.S military information. He was exposing the corrupt U.S. government policies and its spying on U.S. citizens. Giving the people the access and knowledge of what their government was doing and the republicans hated him.

This happened to me too, Me and my friends were going to see the Mothra Rifftrax (we have seen all of them) the website said it was playing there then when we got there it wasn’t showing, no explanation. Id blame dr forester but that was MSTK3000.

LBGT C ya latter I,m getting out of this country.

You idiots, t cruise is just taking the scientologist idea of silent birth to the next level. This way he’s keeping negative engrams away from her which were released from an exploding volcano by Xenu to later affect her reactive mind. Duh.

I am guy and I have no interest in trying to find these on line. I mean shes pretty and all but I never heard of her and don’t care. Does that mean I’m getting old, do I have low T whatever that is. Am I turning gay and will that help me with women. I just have no desire or inclination to try and

They spoke to Matthew Mcconaughey about this and this is what he said: “Sometimes you gotta go back to actually move forward. I don’t mean going back to reminisce or chase ghosts, I mean going back to see where you came from and picking up drunk kids. Where you’ve been drunk, how you got there, see

me and mariah go back like capers and norweigan salmon appitizers.

You know those jews had it rough in the concentration camps, but you know who I really feel bad for all the good germans whose good name was besmirched by nazis actions.

I could give a rats dick about muslims. people get shot up at a club oh i hope the muslims are alright, people run over at beach, oh i feel so bad about how this is going to hurt muslims. I care about the real victims and their families , people who have been truly  injured or killed in these attacks, maybe the

“Culturally, [I’m] perceived as being white, male, upper-class, privileged.” - Benedict Cumberbatch [GQ]