
I’m having trouble keeping up with the keeping up with the kardshains reasons for halting production. Does anyone have a list of all the time and reasons? As far as I can remember they halted production when : 1- Kim has psoriasis, 2- Kris humpries acts like a jerk, 3-kendall and Kylie get implants.

I think Tom Ford has a point. Homosexuality used be about freedom and non-conformity, now you see tv commercials with gay parents selling you stuff. Just like black culture has been totally neutered and bastardized and sold. We have all been sold the 1950 white ideal family as the basis for our

Marriageable Female age

I agree with you Buddhism makes more sense, especially in modern times where the idea of god has been pretty much been proven false by science and more and more people are atheist. Buddhism offers enlightenment for the individual and relies less on the community and its rules so it seems like a

You should make Wikipedia aware of this so they can update there page. As I said it might not be the best resource but it is a resource people in our day and age use, people with knowledge of a subject are free to edit it. As you say the truth can probably never be known. But what is known is that some Muslims use

thanks for this, interesting . I think its probably a bit of both, its sort of like which came first the chicken or egg,  this seems to have been a cultural practice which was then codified within the religion giving credence for this practice to be justified through the centuries and now.

Breaking news 5 minutes ago: FBI director says no charges for brad pitt although says he used very poor judgment.

Morality is a function of religion. In truth there is no good or evil. The Aztecs had human sacrifice and considered this good because of their religion. To isis cutting off unbelievers heads is considered good. we consider these things evil because we were brought up in western judeo christian society which tells us

This is from Wikipedia, not the greatest source but one most use today:

I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend you and I have a great respect for Islam. But we can’t deny truths because it makes us look bad, there are different opinions but most historians agree that Aisha was married at 9 to Muhammad when he was in his 50, it may have been cultural practice at the time but

I don’t know, religions not all bad its just old and outdated. We always had some form of religion and probably always will, these texts are our ancient wisdom on what it means to be human followed by our ancestors for ages and worked for them. Religion brings order out of chaos and allows groups to come together and

What does it say about chicken mcnuggets a lot of people eat them now.

I think this is because Muhammad married 9 year old Aisha, which a thousand years ago was typical. This is the problem with religions, they create these laws which maybe made sense at the time ( ie don’t eat pork which was sensible at the time because pigs had various parasites and caused illness),

Well you know ,What do they say about a broken clock. O yeah I remember , A lot of people here tonight felt like the clock broken, You know why? Because y’all been lied to. Google lied to you. Facebook lied to you. Radio lied to you. Beyoncé, I was hurt because I heard that you said you the clock

At least we know that there will be sluts in heaven, yeah !!!

Words against black background: Kenya August 4 1961

The only selfie im takin is my selfie to dinner with all the money I made from off-loading K.west tickets to my sisters stupid friends, hope they enjoyed the trump rant.

“Ariana Grande , to much makeup” - Lindsay Lohan

I have a question, who in their right mind would pay to go to a kayne west concert. I can understand liking his music, but going to his show ?!?! you know there’s like a 90% chance of him showing up hours late, leaving because of some kardashian emergency, ranting on something nonsensical and then