Shops WIth A Fist


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1. “Tom” who wants all of his $242 when there’s a run on the bank, is an asshole who probably calls the cops every time a baseball lands on his lawn.

For my sons’ rec team, every year for the last practice before winter break I tell them if anyone can make a half court shot (one shot each) then we’ll be done with drills and just scrimmage for the last hour of practice. Last night after the first six kids missed, the most timid shooter on the team (not a bad shooter

The Book of Life was soooo good.

If we’re talking about recent Disney releases, Moana is the far superior movie.

I think we are seeing, in this proposal, the true thrust and desire of the Trump Administration. THIS, my friends, is the payoff. The big enchilada. The expected and promised reward to every bigly corporate backer of the Trump Campaign.

The plan is so utterly lop-sided. It would be hilarious, were it not for how

I’m having this conversation with a friend right now. I’ll quote him directly:


Protest in the street? Naw, this is not the time or place, since the protests are disrupting to my commute.

This is true, but personally the greater issue is that this is something that’s been following him for some time, largely thanks to Gawker. There’s never been a single allegation plead with specificity, and the alleged victim(s?) have all actively denied that it was him in the rumors. As someone on another post

I’ll stay in the Thelma and Louise car over taking this fucking bill thank you very much.

My boyfriend is convinced that Anthony’s character made a host version of himself.

The end of the DiCaprio-starring “The Man In the Iron Mask.”

There is only one acceptable outcome here. Right before McGregor gets knocked unconscious, he forgets it’s a boxing match and kicks Mayweather in the head knocking him out.

What percentage of people masturbate for the last time realizing they are doing so?

**Catalina update**

Albert, can you tell us more about your clam?

I have a modest proposal on all minimum wage discussions in the news media. They should include a parenthetical about how the hourly wage would translate to annual salary. So $15 a hour($31,200 a year).

I actually forgot about Devin Nunes and it was only a month ago. This administration is exhausting.