Shona SoF

As someone who has Native American blood (Snohomish), and was raised in an Native American community (Tlingit/Haida of SE Alaska). My opinion on the skins, long before there was any hint of actual ties were simply this:

Everything you say would be an entirely valid point had they not kept playing the game for over 700 hours.

You are right, my comment added nothing and you took the time to reply to me politely. Allow me to return the favor

for real, though, we all have our methods of dealing with anger (especially when nobody else is around), and I figure if I can use it to amuse and/or relate to other people, it’s worth doing. I recognize that anger at little things (for instance, tough parts of games) is often ridiculous, so why not have a laugh at my

Hi. @myriachan on Twitter =^-^=

Command and Conquer 4 was an abomination which abandoned nearly all the parts of what was enjoyable about the series.

When did I blame the mother? When did I blame anyone but the negligent fuck who left a gun out for a kid to find and pass around.

My uncle once lost track of a handgun in his house for more than a year. We don’t go to his house because of that.

I’m sorry.

Yes, if every gun was locked up in a safe and never sold through unregulated markets, we’d significantly cut down on gun violence. The majority of guns used in crimes in Chicago, aka“hell”, I live in the suburbs of come from guns that were purchased through gun shows in MS, MO, and IN. Yet a year plus ago when

Fairly certain that the friend was able to acquire it because it was not locked and secured.

No. It was just a free-roaming gun that the gun’s owner decided shouldn’t be kept under lock and key.

Still wondering why the gun’s owner didn’t have it locked up in a gun safe.

The thing that really grinds my corn is that, inevitably, some gun worshipping wingnut will blame the kid/family for not having “proper education in gun safety”, even though they never owned one. Yet, when actual NRA staffers blow holes in themselves at sanctioned safety events, the gun “just went off”.

This is a reference to whomever actually owned the gun and not the Stephens family, right? Hell, even then, we don’t have any idea if anyone actually owned the gun legally or if it was an unregistered weapon. The gun safe really isn’t the issue here.

To the other people commenting; it’s good advice either way, and could maybe have prevented this depending on how the friend of a friend acquired the gun (which we don’t know currently).

Another gun that just went off, all on its own. This epidemic of spontaneously discharging weapons needs some investigation. Maybe we need some for of control on these guns to ensure that they stop just going off. Keep them away from people so that they don’t go off on their own and kill any more people.

lesson here, dont leave guns in your house hold.

I think he honestly believes that the Military has just thought of, developed and perfected this missile technology since his inauguration. He speaks about this with a sense of “see. I did this”. The man is unwell and we are all in danger now that he has seen how to get praise.

Considering he has the mental capacity of a preteen I’m surprised he didn’t go with 69.