Actually, it is exactly as colourful stylish as he wanted it to be, because it’s his Switch and not yours.
Actually, it is exactly as colourful stylish as he wanted it to be, because it’s his Switch and not yours.
They’re not free games, they’re rentals. Yes, you need PS+ to play online, but no matter what, they’re not your games to keep. You cancel at any time, you lose all access to them.
My 64 GB card cost me $115 CAD. =’(
The best part of capitalism is when shitheads accidentally waste their money in the funniest of ways.
The term “app” for everything stirs up a rage in me.
I think the best thing would be if it was console exclusive.
“Discrimination certainly exists but I do believe it goes all ways,” he said. As evidence of this, Jafari pointed to a sketch by Samantha Bee, where she jokingly blames white people for Trump’s election. “I suppose you could guess the reaction if Samantha Bee said black people ruined America for voting overwhelmingly…
Jon’s views aren’t based on real statistics, but from Breitbart bullshit. He argued that the most well off black person is still more violent and more likely to commit crimes than the worst off whites. Please don’t let him half-assedly backpedal from such a blatantly racist (and factually incorrect) statement.
I was six or seven when the NES first dropped, and I remember being absolutely floored by the “Justin Bailey” code for Metroid, and even moreso by the Konami Code (which I maintain ended in “SELECT, START,” rather than just “START,” even if empirical evidence to the contrary exists; my aging memory is be…
Uhm. Am adult. I freaking love reading the instruction manuals.
Honestly, just removed the XP award for time played - make it so you have to do something to earn the XP for the match and that will probably fix most of the farming problem. Also tune it so that the average match played will result in lower XP/hour than the average QP or ranked game mode and then you shouldn’t have…
Am I the only one that came to this article expecting Phoenix Wright instead of Jean Grey?
It was the best of times, it was the...BLURST OF TIMES? YOU STUPID MONKEY!
As a hyperactive simian, I object to this offensive portrayal of those like me. It is difficult enough dealing with the lack of a proper opposobale thumb (this took me 45 minutes to type, I’ll have you know), but componding it with these Parkinson’s-like tremors makes even simple tasks incredibly difficult, to say…
To everyone complaining that they still can’t change their PSN name:
Hey if that’s the name you decide to go with, then live with it.
I recognized FF5 from the screen and got all excited, but it’s the original game, not my 1997 translation =P
but you’re here.