I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:
Deconstruction Videos > Destruction Videos
I get so much more pleasure watching this than someone just smashing the product they bought.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:
Deconstruction Videos > Destruction Videos
I get so much more pleasure watching this than someone just smashing the product they bought.
I’m on it!
Has Drumpf said the term “radical Christian terrorism”? Like Drumpf said to Obama, you have to say it before you can fight it. How come I get the feeling the White House will not mention this.
Finally, I hope the makers of Big Boss Outer Haven and the entire cast of Madoka Magica mods will be updating
If you have to ask a user to not litter in a public park, then they probably won’t care if an app tells them not to.
So a dude with more money than most people see in their lives chose to take advantage of economically-disadvantaged individuals for the sake of some anti-Semitic “humor,” and is now surprised that there are consequences that go with that kind of behavior.
Got it.
Having read some of the comments on the previous article…
And trumps ban doesn’t target muslims, just people from those territories
it was me, i came to his house and forced him to read it at gunpoint
Just so you know, they’re probably leaving the internet browser off because it’s commonly used as a homebrew exploit, especially on Nintendo consoles.
Fuck Konami! Right!?
Oh god. It looks like the election night probability chart all over again.
Same. I actually liked the term.
why not instead of banning throw away account, make them play against other hackers?
Trump should not be allowed to nominate a Supreme Court Justice in the last year of his presidency #MicDrop
Dancing game, like Kinect Star Wars :D
Wish I had the video, but at my UNI on November 8th, there were borderline riots outside the freshman dorms. Everyone was shouting “fuck trump” but one IDIOT thought it was a good idea to rip his shirt off, put on an american flag bandana and stand in the middle of the crowd and shout in his HEAVY southern accent…
My late grandparents survived the Holocaust, so the fact that stories like this are still happening today is surreal if not entirely surprising. But I must admit I find the handwringing over whether or not it’s OK to punch Nazis to be kinda sickening. Dude believes that all non-whites should be removed from America in…
Not sure how providing easy support for moving files across multiple hard drives is “catering to the console kids.” I always considered that level of customization and configuration to be more a PC thing. If anything, support for extra storage on consoles is catering to PC users, i.e. a departure from non-removable…