Shona SoF

Grimace has awakened to his true form, and is going to bring about the Third Impact

In Soviet Russia, Robot move YOU.

I know that this is not the point of the article, but calling a 51/4 floppy a “40 year old disk” sends me immediately into midlife crisis.

Also, the source code has all the Rockstar developer notes in them that Rockstar doesn’t want people to see.

This fucking sucks. I went to high school with Grant, and he was one of those people who literally never said or did a single thing that wasn’t kind or thoughtful. When he made it big, doing the weirdly brilliant stuff he loved, I was happy, because it meant the world was working the way it was supposed to: greatly

Thanks to my kids selection of toys, I am well prepared for dangerous encounters at the grocery store.  And adult social gatherings.  Well, wife and children social gatherings, actually.

*spoilers for a mario maker 2 level?*

Everyone should be allowed to get a refund after they put the promised mod support and private servers behind a pay wall with that stupid subscription thing.

Come on, it only had one possible reference

It’s always amusing to me that you can easily find at least a half-dozen comments better written and more reasonable than the kotaku article itself.

Your outrage about outrage is something I find outrageous.

Joule thief!

Which is weird because I clearly remember people complaining about the lack of voice acting in some of the early games, especially the first Lego Batman game (because it was hard to tell what was going on since it was their first game not based on a preexisting plot or something).

Let me play as both. Two story lines, converging at certain points. That would be awesome.

Exactly. This isn’t the fault of “the media”. This is Pewdiepie’s fault, plain and simple, because he keeps flirting with the White Supremacists and Neo-Nazi’s that make up the “alt-right”. The fact that he refuses to acknowledge his own culpability shows that he simply doesn’t get it, and that he’ll keep doing the

That last paragraph is exceptional. Good work out there.

As a general rule, individual people can be wonderful, intelligent, creative, and often surprisingly empathetic beings.

In large groups, our herd instinct takes over, and much like maddened cattle, we charge, lowing after the lead beast, never really stopping to question why we’re all thundering in one direction or

It feels like another pile of fake outrage that feeds upon itself for energy. An instance where completely missing the point begets anger.

Can someone automatically grey all comments that say “just get a retroPIE/emulators/etc!” WE KNOW.