
Asking for a friend here... is there a job that pays you for watching porn?

This sounds like the perfect job for me. I have never played Minecraft in my life but I have a passionate lifelong interest in getting paid $60.

I guess in every americans blood is the american dream, “get mine”.

“Hey everyone, here’s some basic arithmetic based on publicly available numbers, and here’s a middle school explanation of supply and demand effects. I think we should band together and do this thing for which we have no formal or binding agreement but merely this explanation.”

very influence
such bandwagon
many volatile

The video distinguishes itself from traditionally shady pump-and-dump schemes, though, in that we’re all supposedly in on the operation

/downloads mod. “Okay, time to use my gun! Wait, where is my gun? Do I have to find it or equip it somehow?”

Get ready for a pure gaming experience! No difficulty levels! No hand holding! No Mer ---blech!


Praise the Gun!

>An entire table full of food is growing cold and congealed because of an absolute inability to consume fajitas without shredded cheese.

Sounds like a perfect solution to me, one that would be deemed perfectly reasonable for a messy divorce. I hate GM for taking bailout money then basically giving us all the middle finger and closing plants left and right to say thank you for saving their sorry asses.

Have you SEEN Jurassic Park? No one ever complained about a lawyer getting cut in half.

Cone on, whats it gonna take to put you two into this car today?

Yep. If there’s one thing these giant corporations are good at, it’s grinding, multi-year, heinously-expensive lawsuits over petty bullshit.

i hope we remember that the next time those worthless shits run their business into the ground and need a bailout.  noone is too big to fail 

This is America goddammit, and if a corporation wants to recklessly spend millions of dollars suing the everloving shit out of another corporation that is also willing to piss away shareholder money then GET THE FUCK OUT THE WAY Judge McCommonsense.

GM: “We are disinclined to acquiesce to your request.”

A vicious cycle that repeats itself when people find fun games hidden on Steam and then don’t tell anyone what they are called :)