Can I just say how much I appreciate this being a list and not a slideshow?
Can I just say how much I appreciate this being a list and not a slideshow?
Honestly, the main issue with the series was mainly the gay panic for laughs. How the show treated Chandler for not being a “macho man” was bad even back then.
Since this is iPhone-specific, how about letting your readers know that via the headline? Sheez...
I don’t see how this particular situation is part of the broader problem of (1) fat people being played for laughs, or (2) having a thin person don a fat suit to play a character whose character arc involves being fat.
Because the most important thing is the acting, which Paulson can pull off. The look is part of production and can be solved with makeup/prosthetics, etc. So yes, looking the part is important, but far less so than embodying the character itself. When you can easily change looks, there’s no reason to limit your search…
Nah. She's the best actress for the job. Nothing about Linda Tripp in this show is about her experience as a fat person. It isn't played for laughs. It's just what she looked like.
The producers hire actors with a name and chops. Sarah Paulson fits the bill. The fat suit is like wearing a wig.
And you sound like you didn’t read the post:
Look, this is why this shit is a big deal. YA novels aren’t some kind of frivolous bullshit that isn’t worth reading because they aren’t The Great American Novel. If you’re at a university to challenge yourself academically, the Common Read isn’t the only place you can do that, and telling everyone that you joined a…
If this drowns out the clusterfuck year Activision-Blizzard has had I will be more disgusted than I already am. Seriously, fuck Activision’s executives
There’s become a growing popular school of thought that just talking about any kind of marginalized community in any light that isn’t solely about how they are oppressed and the troubles they deal with, is wrong, and shouldn’t be shown or performed. It’s like a hybrid of sugar-coating information: we only want to see…
Just some background for you, as he explains in the special, he didn’t know her before she came to his show. After the show he went up to the bar and Daphne approached him and he thought she was going to seriously let him have it for his material. But she actually said she thought it was hysterical, and she thanked…
The headline could be better. My first thought after reading it was that this transgender person was made fun of in Chappelle’s special and later killed themselves- not that her and Chappelle were friends...
Lemme give you some perspective here. I’m married to a woman who’s half Lithuanian and half Ukrainian. Both of these countries’ populations were subjected to horrifying atrocities by the Soviets in their “Russian Imperialism: New Management, New Logo, Same Great Taste” guise. (My mother-in-law is deaf because of…
When they turn on him it will happen in the blink of an eye. Then they’ll all act like they were against Trump from the beginning.
Don’t be racist, sexist, ableist, or trans/homophobic. That’s pretty much the list. If you can’t make people laugh without being any of those things, maybe the problem isn’t the culture that surrounds you?
Part of the frustration for me is how much this reeks of “fuck the fans - they should give us their money anyway.” Part of what made the first two Raimi films great was that, for (arguably) the first time, we got a superhero movie that captured the same fun spirit as the comics - which was what fans had always wanted,…
The spin on this is dizzying, and it’s amazing how little of any of it is making me want to see any movies.
It was fun laughing about this until it struck me that there are literally tens of millions of people for whom this is some real, no-bullshit, truth bomb cinema, then I just got sad.