Tremor Kryste

If Trump wasn’t a traitorous white supremacist grounding our country into the pavement, there’d be an almost endearing Baron Munchausen quality to the man. One day a visitor at one of his hotels or casinos, who happens to own a used car dealership in a small town in Michigan, pays Trump some benign compliment, and


citation needed

thankfully their opposition feels it would be indecorous to actually try to hold them to anything, out of terror it would make cocktail parties with Betsy DeVos awkward

It is deeply disgusting and alarming to me how closely the language of this administration parallels that of a codependent family with an alcoholic head. “Don’t fuck things up!” is code for “Don’t make dad mad by asserting yourself at all, or he’ll take it out on us!

All those women and their music helped me get through my divorce in 1996.  That music gave me an outlet to harness my anger and know that I was worth more than how I was being treated.  It isn’t crap music at all.  It served a very real purpose for lots of people, and this author is still stuck in the rut of being


He’s not jacked he is cut, jacked means big (Cavill for example) and cut means small but good lean body mass.

Or he’s just a fucking jackass that lost his children’s children’s children’s money on bad real estate deals and casinos but is somehow a “successful” businessman in the eyes of his jackass followers.

> “These illegal NDAs translate one-time engagement in the political process into a lifetime of allegiance to everything related to Trump, and punish victims and whistleblowers when they speak out.” 

Tucker Carlson is one of the very worst people on earth. Based on this clip, Bregman also seems like an arrogant douche (but then, he is Dutch).

So can the Parkland kids sue Fox news for the same thing? 

I have been progressively more terrified of the impending collapse each time I walk down the street and see dozens of progressively more specialized shops. The number of restaurants and eateries in the DC Metro area is clearly ludicrously unsustainable. Car companies are working hard to pretend that the apocalypse

Do Americans realise how weird the rest of the world finds it, when the US makes kids swear a pledge of allegiance, and all of the flag fetishising?

eh, i see her as along for the ride. I care more about mnuchin, zinke and that motherfucker Pruitt. I want them thoroughly scrutinized.

would that be so far off the mark though?

I have a problem with every single thing he does, including breathing.

So, just so we’re all clear: 

I thought he looked like John Wayne.

Because he didn’t think the things he tweeted were problematic until there was backlash.