
Omniverse and LazyLibrarian? You've made me extremely happy today!! Too bad they don't do BT.

We need to start killing the white rot fungi so that more carbon is locked in coal than in the atmosphere.

We need to start killing the white rot fungi so that more carbon is locked in coal than in the atmosphere.

Looks horrific. No thanks.

Adblock Plus for Chrome is the same code, I would venture to say that the vast majority of Firefox or Chrome users are not developers, and even as a former Firefox user I never found a need for DownThemAll. Mozilla's lack of concern for Firefox's memory bloat makes them no better than when Microsoft arrogantly refused

Google Bookmarks FTW

@wheresmykey: Actually, I have a medical need to see images like thiss on a daily basis. It's like vitamins, only there's more than what you'd find a GNC because of how shitty we treat each other.

Not going to trust a $3000 laptop to this thing.

Which of these are pet-safe?

*sigh* if only my iPhone supported the Nike+ I spent good money on.

Fails. End result, I got so furious at Boxee I pitched it altogether. Screw it.

Training is one of those things that will suffer in this economy so get it while your employer is still offering it. CBTs are cheaper than hotel and airline tickets so they'll be around longer, but companies in dire straits will cut it all.

@Joost Rooijmans: No. Companies still want a paper resume, even if they find you online or ask for a .doc version. You will want to use ALL of these sites AND have the paper version on hand. Now is not the time to buck the trend, when there are 100 versions of you, hungrier and more desperate to get that job. You

Yeah I can see how putting that same effort into math flash cards would have been a waste.

And yet there is still no DAAP/Bonjour support?

This is stupid. I just went to NJ's web site and used their online form, which has less lines to fill out and came out cheaper than their "required" filing costs even after the discount. I started an LLC for $125. This is a scam.

Oh, well, no go for me, finding this a day late. :(

I'm amazed that you didn't also cover the free NX server (Linux, Solaris) and clients (Windows, Linux, Mac, Solaris) which have amazingly smooth Citrix-like screen updating algorithms and uses ssh.

That OTHER category in the survey is really huge. What's teh breakdown on that?