He will probably write a rhyme later about how he can still fuck Mark because he made him famous.
He will probably write a rhyme later about how he can still fuck Mark because he made him famous.
That was God or karma telling you NO.
Rob looks really really happy. And all I’d ever seen him look (not that I followed them much, I never had cable TV or that kinda time to waste) is sad or unhappy. #RobChyna5ever
This is so situational. I would want to know but it would probably cost my partner my trust. And I’m big about trust and communication being extremely important in any relationship I have. I trust my boyfriend because he had been cheated on by his ex wife (who was also draining his savings...in Japan it is customary…
They thought he was a little chicken
I am horrified of my Mirena failing. How do you know if it has? The risk of 50% of a pregnancy with a failed mirena (that’s about a 0.1% chance or something) being endoscopic (or something meaning the egg is fertilized in the Fallopian tubes and is deadly for the mother and must be fixed with by abortion.) is just, I…
I swear he bathes in the blood of virgins or something. Thats’s voodoo majik right there
The part about him being half not-white rubs me the wrong way. Regardless of his roots, he was clearly raised in a white cultured household and has white privilege. The only time a half white person doesn’t receive white privilege is when they don’t look white. As much as I hate to say this, white people aren’t the…
Are you on oral bc? I can’t really say anything because I’m not a professional but I have tried a couple oral pills in the past and now have Mirena. So far IUD has been the best for me. I can’t speak for the copper, non-hormonal version but I feel like the localized hormones are a lot better for me than the oral pill…
I think I have successfully not yet heard one note of an Ed Sheeran song but I am scared to say it out loud incase I jinx myself.
Do these people not have multiple children or allow their children to see each other naked? When I was growing up I bathed with my baby brother all the time (saved bath water and time) and I was much younger than 13.
I tried that when I went through a “no-poo” phase inspired by some beauty/lifestyle bloggers I’d gotten into. I could only last 2.5 days tops before I felt conscious of my scalp stench. I still think the less you wash your hair/shampoo the better but now I can't live without washing and shampooing every day.
He also said he got an ok from Taylor...which doesn't seem like the truth.
Hey, in order to be the #1 country in the world we have to cover all our bases. Second place is for losers!
Was just going to say this. It baffles me time and time again.
I didn't pass out but I got close. I lay in the exam room for about half an hour reevaluating my life choices. I went home that night and inhaled a bottle of wine, chocolate covered açai berries and garlic hummus with my girlfriends.
Children don’t need this, they need toys that inspire them to use their imagination.
Well...this is embarrassing. I'm no longer punch drunk.
You guys, I just pissed my pants for the first time in like ten years. aT least I didn't pee in the taxi. I wanted to ask th driver about his ghostly encounters. My right hand is covered in black soot. I have heartburn and had an amazing night. That is all.