I frequently ponder this but is there really any ecological necessity for mosquitos? Seems all they ever do is carry disease. Don’t seem to be helping or maintaining the ecosystem at all.
I frequently ponder this but is there really any ecological necessity for mosquitos? Seems all they ever do is carry disease. Don’t seem to be helping or maintaining the ecosystem at all.
Literally. I have no words. She is incredible. Like sometimes you think of Olympians and big actors who are younger than you and you question what you have been doing with your life but Malala just blows that feeling out of the water.
I tried to go back to work (at a busy independent coffee shop) when my mom called me on break that my grandmother in Japan had a stroke (and had not been discovered for over 6 hours). I held on for about 5 minutes until the next customer gave me shit about her nonfat latte not being foamy enough. I retreated to the…
Not sure in terms of health benefits or what but I think the act of smoking—excuse me “vaping”—indoors in general is just as impolite as smoking. I’m sure there is a no-smoking rule inside the venue and it’s a judgement on the type of character who chooses to vape because “it’s not cigarettes, bro”
I mean TSA won’t let me fly with bacon strips or my ficus internationally, they probably wouldn’t let a corpse fly either.
I’m giggling at the tattoo peaking out of her sleeve. It’s placing is incredible!
The adorable little old lady who lives in the apartment below me sings what I think is opera? whenever she vacuums. I think she believes the vacuum is covering her singing. I can't even be mad at her terrible singing because she is just too cute.
And yet he failed to make himself look even the slightest bit more attractive. You can’t MySpace-angle away the douche.
Shoot I just said the same, you beat me to it!
By his logic I guess Ray J owns Ye’s babies then.
If he is rebelling so much he will probably go a la Caitlin and purposefully spell it with a C
In affect a gender neutral bathroom may influence men to put the seat back down and actually wash their hands after peeing. I don’t want you touching me after you’ve been touching your peen! Splash back is no joke!
God forbid you ever try to leave bed. It is too dangerous for a human incubator. Think of the baby!!!
Well, all the books I read about doggies in my school left me in crippling heaving sobs. Where the Red Fern Grows, Shiloh, STONE FOX I swear Stone Fox was the woooooooorst. I still can't talk about Stone Fox without my throat catching.
I saw something similar at my university the other day. It was a short video they ran before a big lecture advertising the new student organization (or something, I slept through most of the lecture) and it was called STI. The slogan was “we love STI!” (I live in Japan, a wonderful place full of wonderfully terrible…
Guess we’ll have to call him Won’t Smith
This is victim blaming!!!!!!!!1!!
Depends on the salad
She can always do better until she realizes that it was me, it was me all along.