
Gygax was SUCH a piece of shit when running TSR, just suuuuch a garbage fire of a human being and a shitty businessman to boot

You absolutely have to be joking. Did you even read the article?

Unless there’s a prior written agreement that prohibits that behavior.

The fact that anything created under their license is essentially usable to them without compensation? So if I am a youtuber who makes videos of the campaigns I have been DMing or playing in and homebrew a new class or species and gave the character sheet out for free WotC can take that make it an official species or

Well, there’s the “nonexclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, sub-licensable, royalty-free license to use that content for any purposethat WotC is taking, which means that, once you’ve put your own effort and money into creating something, WotC can grab it, bundle it into something else or just relabel it, and

They mention Superman III in Office Space.

So... how long until Superman III sues Office Space for meme theft?

Yeah and I’m fairly sure that’s why Linda has been sent this - so she can give it some daylight, and WotC can get a preview of what’s going to happen if they go ahead with this, which is to say “all hell breaking lose”, and not even a good Blood War way.

Welcome to a new wave of litigation. On the one hand, Trump left us with a very big business friendly group of courts for this to be litigated in front of.

This whole thing is very specifically an attempt to end-run around that, and do what it said couldn’t be done, by “de-authorizing” the licence as Linda points out, rather than “revoking it” which is specifically disallowed.

I mean, check out the FAQ WotC had on their own site in 2004, available from

Guy sure is talkative for someone with absolutely no mention of a lawyer.

If this report is accurate, I scoff at WotC’s attempt to change the obvious intended meaning of the word “Authorized” in the original OGL.

He forgot the part where either Zulily and/or GameStop’s building would end up in flames, but then again I guess this doesn’t help erase records these days anymore... also, the money should be on some poor sap abused worker hands instead of GameStop stocks and what seems like a catfisher or something.

This is kind of the sequel where the villain who previously had a small squad of henchmen comes back when an entire army and an orbital laser specifically to destroy the thing that protected the good guys the first time.

As a Pathfinder player (I was never able to get onto DnD 5e. I tried, but I just find it so incredibly bland) this sucks major balls, but is not remotely surprising. Wizards has a long history of taking something that is working to everyone’s satisfaction, butchering it to squeeze more money out of it, than acting

Pathfinder: Kingmaker is on sale on Steam right now. Get it while you can.

yep, unless Piazo agrees to the new license it’s going to be hard to defend this in court as these types of open licenses do not list an end date for the license specifically “perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive license” which most courts will state means that Paizo and other creators that got to the license prior to

What a scoop!

Good to see D&D get back to its roots of being run by a complete bag of dicks