
He was as easily as horrific as the others, they all had their own special dreadfulness. No one seems that bothered that he staged a break in and left that threatening note in the apartment, destroyed some of Dory's stuff and sat back while she left notes all round the building to warn the other tenants. I enjoyed how

He also did the Astromech Beginners soundtrack.

Yes, positive, I just googled it and lots of reviews and even the show's Twitter feed says Dr. Groovy.

“Maybe Nurse Ratched needs a little injection from Dr. Ruby.” That's wrong, he says "Dr. Groovy", Dr. Ruby makes no sense in the context (he was suggesting they do some role play).

Big fan of the Cornelius soundtrack to the GITS: Arise series, much more electronic than the other soundtracks. If it had been just a Cornelius lp then it would have been raved about rather than sidelined and ignored as a soundtrack. It's a really good album and works great on the show.

I pretty much lost it when they changed the Dekkar band to DKR and did an EDM remix of Empty Bottle, so damn funny. Heidecker has a real skill at making catchy tunes out of the most cliched music.

The Beavis and Butthead shows they did a few years back are brilliant. As MTV doesn't show that much music these days they made their comments about all those 16 And Pregnant type shows, full of teens as gormless as they are.

It's extra frustrating that so many films are lost when you see what an amazing job some labels have done putting silent era movies onto Blu-ray. They look sharp, steady, detailed, it's doubtful they would've have looked this good on their opening nights. For years the main way of seeing these films was on badly

And Re-Animator had killer intestines too. But that episode beat them all really by "improving" the gag.

They are all dreadful as well, although I would welcome a Halloween special.

Yep, there are always operators out of shot as well as the "costumed" performers onscreen.

The (miniature) shot where the Queen and the power loader flip over into the airlock door is also just perfect. i recall seeing the movie in the cinema and not having a clue how the Queen was done: too quick to be mechanical, too real to be a model. That it contained two people strapped together was a revelation.

It's one of the toughest things to do successfully, putting a kid in an action or horror movie without it being pandering. It's often done to give younger viewers someone to identify with and I've never agreed with that: even when I was a kid I pretty much hated kids in more grown up movies. They can get in the way so

The bit with the wings was great, at that point in the show no one was at all surprised that Kate Bush can fly.

It was incredible. One moment sticks in the mind, she was in the middle of the ocean, waves crashing all around, wearing a lifejacket, clinging to a buoy while sea creatures were trying to drag her down to the depths. I remember trying to work out how we'd arrived at this as literally minutes before it was just her

It was astounding that someone can not perform for decades then deliver a show with such heavy physical and vocal demands, almost from a standing start. Just singing those songs for hours would be enough for most then there was all the precision theatrics.
There was also an emotional element that I've not experienced

I went to the show, have to say part of the fun was that she was just doing exactly what she wanted to. Everyone could come up with a list of dozens of songs they'd have wished she'd done but we were lucky she was performing at all, it was an amazing show that she felt comfortable doing, songs she felt still

Lizard is a fine movie, the poster with the half woman/half lizard photograph is one of my all time faves. Fulci's Don't Torture A Duckling is another fantastic title/movie.

Also Robert Duvall as a priest on a swing, he was in town and knew the director so he did it as a favour. It's a great little moment, just to unbalance you: priests doing anything outside of church can look unusual then "hang on, wasn't that Robert Duvall?"

In the UK, the pad the episodes out to fit into our scheduling, the show had intros by Patrick Macnee which were just him sitting in a comfy chair rambling on about murder or some such, usually nothing to do with the episode it was attached to. These intros seem to be lost, never cropping up on Youtube or DVDs of the