
Down Terrace (I am typing this sitting two streets down from the actual Down Terrace).

It's a really enjoyable movie that plays like gangbusters with an audience. I love how Wheatley just seems to be doing whatever he fancies, his resume is strong and more varied than most film-makers'; compare this to A Field In England or Kill List. The real triumph here, one most reviews ignore, is that he's made an

I like the first Blade movie, it's unflagging. It's like one long good bit.

We don't need any education.

I currently live in Devizes and it really is the most exciting thing to happen around here in years, the canoe race that is, not the Foo Fighters. I am leaving this hellhole ASAFP.

I liked how Miller's story was a great science fiction spin on the old noir routine of private eye falling in love with dead girl he's investigating then finding out she's still alive. This season is a real knockout.

Guy who plays Han Solo is shorter than Harrison Ford so it all evens out. Chewbacca is well cast though, really looks like him.

Spohn also did the Uk poster art for the 2013 movie Computer Chess, one of the most wonderfully appropriate movie posters in years.

The show's production designer, Graham "Grace" Walker got his start on Mad Max 2 & 3, still the kings of the making loads of junk look cool movies.

Yep, was totally fooled by the Miller routine too. This ep had me shouting at the tv twice "Do it!" when shooting the med ship and "Don't do it!" with Miller. This and Black Sails are my two main favourites at the moment and both are putting me through the wringer.

This show always lets itself down with some placeholder dialogue in every episode; there's always at least one line that sounds like it as only there until they thought of a better way to say it but forgot to go back to it. I think Gregory used up all the good dialogue quota for this ep.

It's DKR, since they turned EDM. I love this whole world of theirs, such commitment.

I tried many times to explain how TNG was put onto BD and people just don't get it, can sort of see why such a monumental task is hard to grasp, but show any Trek fan the blu-rays and watch their jaw drop. It's a real shame it wasn't better appreciated but a blessing that they did it, so much of it really is movie

Ha, I always think of that when I hear her amazing voice. It's hard to see what the real point of her character is in The Expanse yet but quite happy she's there just to hear that voice. Sometimes wish she'd joined the cast of Penny Dreadful as her, Dalton and Green are pretty much my "could read the phone book and

I like that the singer of arty 80's Athens' band Pylon has a new touring band called the Pylon Reenactment Society. Gives a fairer idea of what to expect.

What About Men? has to be their catchiest song since She's Making Jewelry Now, and pause the footage on either at any moment and Carrie Brownstein is guaranteed to be doing something hilarious.

Her running was (understandably) terrible, I kept wondering why in so many shots of her running they just showed the legs, like the weirdest directorial choice, until the penny dropped and I realised those weren't her legs. Why give an ep with so much running to someone who was in no condition to run? Mind you, they

She was crashed out face down at the table with an open bottle of pills next to her. I think she was generally too out of it to be mean.

That she gave him 30 seconds, "not 20" was great.