
But there is also a "real" mummy in it too. Great episode with two "that guy" actors: Brion James and Tracey Walters.

It's great that this is one of the few shows still getting coverage here, but it is disappointing that a series blog aimed at viewers is 80% dull synopsis. We've seen it, we don't need a blow by blow account. Still, fantastic Hammeo.

Nope, some parts of the models were cannibalised from miniatures made for a ditched Red Dwarf movie. The set was all made from scratch.


It's a Roger Corman movie so you should feel short changed somehow. I'll allow it.

Real Steel, the trailer for this in the UK gives the impression it's all Hugh Jackman, Robots and Evangeline Lily whereas the actual movie is mostly about Jackman's character's kid bonding with his deadbeat dad set against a robot-fighting background. the trailer only shows the kid once, in a crowd scene, but he's

Not impressed with Hall here, don't have a suggested replacement, certainly not Hannon though after he did a very lack lustre trawl through Station To Station at the Bowie Proms thing at the Albert Hall. Quite like some Divine Comedy stuff but he's wrong for this.

LOVED the music choice for the mad dash back to the office: Quango Quango's Tingle, a classic early Factory Record.

Absolutely. With Ironside, Patrick McGoohan and some of Cronenberg's oddball stock players like Robert Silverman in the cast there's plenty to take up the slack of the lead. Plus I don't require the cast of a movie to be relatable just credible and I think Lack still delivers on that front as someone who is living

How is he a sellout? 1976 was a long time ago, the Sex Pistols were one of the most exploited bands around, they were stiffed by their manager so badly it was decades before they saw any decent money from their work. Then Lydon's work with PiL saw some amazing records badly promoted by record labels. The butter ads

Or will she lose another letter?

I saw Of Freaks And Men first and keep having to remind myself it's not really old, the sepia tone and sparse dialogue does make it hard to place a date on it. Great film though, went through both Brats and War quickly after (as they were released in that order on DVD in the UK). All his movies have interesting

I am regrettably hooked on that show.

I like a lot of the shows mentioned. Also enjoyed Outsiders and The Expanse. Outsiders almost fit into the superior B-movie category I'd class things like Banshee, Justified and Spartacus. It had a story and setting that was both preposterous and believable ("it can be more than one thing" - AV Club) with a great cast

I'm a big fan of the practical, imaginative problem solving of the pre digital age, how they mixed technical skills with art. Amazing how small the teams were back then, not the hundreds of CGI artists credited now, you'd get a dozen or so people with a wide spread of skills trying to think of the best way to do

That would be extremely fiddly plus you'd have ruined the original negative if you make any one of a number of very simple mistakes in cutting or reassembling the frames, plus as varispeed cameras exist you don't need to - another plus with varying the camera speed over cutting out frames is you have captured the

It's not so simple, this was in the pre-digital photochemical era so to change the speed of something involved rephotographed in an optical printer, frames can be skipped (or discarded) to speed up the action, but doing so you lose a generation so the film gains grain thus further giving away that some sort of effect

They used a Magicam (I think that is what it is called), a then-new type of camera that can change speed while shooting, it wasn't a post effect. They reshot it because it looked fake first attempt which I suppose is where the real time confusion came about.

Every time I hear his name I can't help but think: Morgan, Mason, Matthew and Modine.

I liked Obvious Child too, but it's barely a comedy (as for Frances Ha the only laugh in that annoying movie is in the title). MacGruber's running gag about his revenge obsession on the driver who yelled "Nice car, dickhead" at him is funnier than a lot of the movies here.