
I would remove the Noncoms Obvious Child and Frances Ha from the list and replace them both with MacGruber.

That's great you were able to see Heaven's Gate without that baggage. I'd first seen it on video not that long after its theatrical release, thought it interesting but found myself sheepishly buckling under the weight of the popular opinion of the time - plus I was probably a bit too young to really appreciate it. It

I hope more people see it, then more people can laugh when I say "some kind of space floor" whenever any movie set in outer space is on.

Not only a great talent responsible for plenty of significant work, he also always seemed really happy to be playing, making music and entertaining folk. Love his synth work on the bonkers Jesse Rae song Over The Sea, he's also great fun in the video, rocking a kilt. I'd imagine his life was full of such moments,

A lot of these bands were great live, I'm a regular gig goer and would put some of the times I saw The Rapture as some of the all time best I've seen. Thought this article would at least give a mention of Radio 4, they never quite had the sort of breakout song that the others here did but their second lp Gotham!

It's not CGI, the alien is mostly a small rod puppet digitally composited into the live action. It's a pretty interesting idea in concept if not execution, some shots it looks great in but the tech wasn't really up to it and they didn't seem to have enough production time to work the bugs out of it. So it's a terrible

Bostwick did a questionnaire type interview in The Guardian in the late 90's and his answer to the question "Do you have any pets?" made me laugh and stuck in the mind: "I have a number of small dogs, all named Barry Bostwick."

It's the most fun Bowie to sing along to. Also that lp has Rock And Roll With Me, a massively underrated song. And who gets rid of a Broadcast album? I am done with this feature.

He can use comic book as storyboard for imagery, which isn't really that impressive a skill. Biggest problem I had with the movie is Snyder always shot the action to look cool, whereas the comic shows violence as hard and depressing, the reality of crime and crime fighting. In that respect it's such a calamitous

The opening five minutes of Takashi Miike's Dead Or Alive, it's on Youtube. The rest of the film has many great moments but the opening salvo is so intense that it's kind of a relief when it ends as there's no way you'd be able to handle an entire movie like that.

They took Kirk out of the climax of the movie entirely. Also, they make a big deal about how the warp core thing was the most complex device imaginable and Kirk fixes it by kicking it. Spock contacts other Spock to get tips on how to deal with Khan, other Spock must have said "you need to punch him repeatedly in the

Never going to happen, Hef was careful only to ever have backstabbing dim bulbs living there.

But he wasn't taking five years to do so, which was kind of my point.

Wheatley's next movie, Free Fire, is shootout movie, with a few interesting twists but has a lot of mainstream appeal and a great cast: Cillian Murphy, Brie Larson, Sharlto Copley, Armie Hammer. I'm glad he's not making "normal" movies.
Yes, Warcraft has been a long production, I wonder about how worthwhile it is for

I guess you have to take on a blockbuster to be taken at all seriously in Hollywood these days, but it seems risky to have directors of things like Monsters and Safety Not Guaranteed being given movies with budgets hundreds of times bigger than what they are used to. Worth noting that Warcraft opens almost exactly

I don't think that man could ever "decamp".

They're not asylum seekers, they're all terminally ill people who can be easily saved by the medical tech on the space station. They don't have a working space program, those two shuttles they used were clearly repaired from a junk heap, incidentally covering them with graffiti was a great touch, don't recall seeing

We don't know much about the aliens but it's hinted that they are not the builders of the ship, they are found locked in a section of the otherwise deserted vessel. Plus they may well be another species (or various species) altogether and victims of that transformative goop that changes Copley. They live in their own

I worked production at a festival they played at, they were almost comically sulky and paranoid, by far the worst out of a whole three days of bands of all sizes. They complained about every single thing, especially if they saw another act get a anything they didn't. Still, they were probably the best thing on that

Also loved how they shot the bit with them slithering on the floor at a low angle so the hexagonal tiles looked more like scales. That one shot may have been the reason the tiles were that shape and if so then totally worth it.