
During a press conference, police reported they have nothing to go on.

You will never see Tweets like this from Flyers fans.

Say what you like about Happy Valley, they know what they like in a coach.

You mean he accidentally dropped a pitcher and then ran away from the mob who started chasing him for no reason?

White American liberals need to hear the ground truth on this from people who actually know what they're talking about. Thanks.

This website has a serious problem with presumption of innocence and due process.

Knife is the way to go on the oranges, too many oranges to separate by hand. Go Kroger is you're just going to have to do this once a season, Costco if more.

Same month we lost the oldest living NFL player at 41.

"I liked soccer before it was cool!"

"Bree Olson is from a small town in California known as Ojai. Originally settled by the Chumash Indians, Ojai remains a small and tight knit community. It was at one community event, the Summer Solstice Fair, that a young Bree discovered a life long talent during the hot dog eating contest that has served her well

Yes, all critics of our nation's first black President are racists. It couldn't be that people disagree with his fiscal policy, style of diplomacy or his murder of innocent Afghans with Hellfire missiles.

Oooh. May I?

That whole "farmer being sued by monsanto due seeds being blown into the field" isn't true. Monsanto sues farmers for intellectual property theft (as well as outright theft) mostly due to replanting the seeds.

Even within socialist countries people still have intellectual property rights. Now, there should definitely

Look, if a company wants to sell "GMO Free" food, they're free to label their food that way, and there should be regulations to back it up. But labeling all of the food that contains GMOs, when there is NO evidence that GMOs are at all harmful? That's ridiculous and fear mongering.

Part of your problem is thinking that MMA is going to have lots of positive news stories, especially when it's run like this. It hasn't exactly been a clean-run organization, with all the shady shit happening behind the scenes.

Israel has always been a bit strange with regards to basketball. Why, back in the 80s, they didn't even like Jordan.

Final four hours leave Celtics confused, enraged about Bias.

I'm sure a lot of these "Treat Women with Respect" rules will be made fun of but as a current female UGA student, knowing that a coach is willing to flat out say "no means no" and "you dont own your girlfriend" in the team guidelines is really refreshing and needs to be said more often in other schools' and teams'

He is still a man, doesn't matter if he mutilate his penis and get breast implants . He is always gonna be a man.

In a case like this, I say SCREW CULTURAL IMPERIALISM. It is abuse. Yes, some traditions should be valued, but some JUST. DON'T. MAKE. SENSE. I hate to bring up foot binding again, but if it wasn't for western infiltration (and some help by local women), I would BET that Chinese women would STILL have bound feet.