
What does represent the sport as a whole, an empty chair in the back of an "Italian-American social club?" You should be grateful for anything that brings attention to this relic of a "sport."

I forgot that even when you get EXACTLY what you demanded (like, this isn't even "we want more black women in movies," there was literally a "cast Lupita Nyongo in Star Wars because there aren't enough women in the cast and we want this specific woman" demand and you got it!) Jezebel posters are incapable of happiness

Facts are a tool of the capitalist patriarchy, including knowing basic facts about gay rights in the U.S. for the purpose of improving them!

I like how you think that since this is Jezebel, being more obstinate and self-righteous makes up for the fact that you have no fucking idea what you're talking about and are saying things that are outright false. Since this is Jezebel, you're probably right.

I'm actually surprised to find this article here at all, given Jezebel's longstanding insistence that any objection to the way Muslims or people of color treat women is racist and may not be discussed ever. I guess someone finally did something so horrific that you had to drop the bullshit. Congratulations, but at

Hmm, I guess Jezebel maybe shouldn't have spent the last five years shrieking that anyone who objects to the way Muslims treat women/girls is a racist, and it created some sort of unintended consequence where people are literally afraid to object to this sort of behavior. Who knew!

Come on, if it had mentioned men you would be yelling that men are a statistically insignificant portion of rape victims and mentioning it is something MRAs do. Let's not pretend Jezebel is ever going to be less than disappointed with anything. You'll always find a reason.

lol at the delusion that thinks that this website devoted to celebrity gossip and informing people that caring about rape is racist is responsible for anything substantive in the real world. you are not significant. you are lone catladies shouting insanity into an internet void.

Jezebel: Come for the rape apologism and calling everyone racist, stay for the scientific ignorance.

A lot of this is being run through the bizarre Jezebel filter — in what universe does a feminist website think that observing someone may have been the victim of child abuse constitutes "insulting" that person? Anyway, what I've heard Drew say before and he apparently did not explain fully here is that while a lot of

"she" be a "he"

"reinforcing the stereotype that minorities and "diverse" people are somehow strange and different creatures who need to be considered as such" would be a pretty good description of 50% of the articles on jezebel

This is Jezebel, where disagreeing with a woman or thinking false allegations about sexual harassment or rape have ever happened even once makes you the dreaded "MRA."

"quebec" isn't a race, no matter how much they wish they were. The irony is that the biggest source of racism in Canada today is Quebec nationalists demanding that their "heritage" of pissing all over First Nations, Sikhs, Jews, and Muslims be enshrined as a constitutional right.

And Jezebel's shtick is trying to destroy successful women because they embarrass you psycho catladies blaming the patriarchy for why you're scamming disability.

A successful, pioneering, funny woman — of course Jezebel hates her.

Did this actually happen?

Oh no, not a member of whatever the fuck the Trans 100 is!

Anyone who thinks that "prohibiting a law that says racial discrimination is illegal from being passed" constitutes "the way to stop discrimination" seems just plain old illiterate to me. And remember, this same court already ruled that Michigan's AA program was unconstitutional — on what basis would they find a

i love it when progressives discover a new polysyllabic word and all, but "sociopath" was 2013's blanket term for anyone who doesn't sign on to the progressive SJW agenda. for 2014 it's all about "empathy." did you not get the memo?