
It's absolutely fucking ridiculous that the basis of today's outrage decree is "you're not allowed to use terms that don't correspond to your physical body" when if anyone pointed out what your physical body is or used that as the basis for making any conclusions about transsexuals generally you would flip the fuck

Literally shaking with rage at your ableism and classism. Some of us have to stay in bed watching Twilight movies all day because of our fibromyalgia and don't have the spoons to read literature.

That isn't what fucking happened, and if you read the actual news and legal sources instead of fucking NaturalNews and the HuffPo you wouldn't have this cockamamie retard conspiracy theory version of events.

There is no "adult" who opposes GMOs.

Keep telling me what other terminology you don't understand!

The case where the guy intentionally hoarded and replanted seeds in violation of the contract and then launched a 20-year crusade to scam money out of retards like you? In other words, NOT a case of "farmers being sued for seeds accidentally blowing onto the fields" that you people who probably believe SERVICEMEN

Warning: GMO food may contain key to solving malnutrition and starvation in developing countries and overstress of farmland in industrialized ones, but will be blocked by retarded fucking assholes who are afraid of GENES and post on lunatic pseudofeminist blogs.

Yes this gibberish nonsense thing you are referring to about "Japan not wanting papayas tested" sure proves that the urban legend about farmers being sued for seeds landing in their fields is true, you mongoloid.

Yeah, you're so fucking important that BIG CORN pays people to counter you blowing the lid off the food conspiracy on this fucking coathanger abortion of a blog. Kill yourself you fucking narcissist.

That's never fucking happened. It's a made-up conspiracy theory pandering to people too dumb to live like you.

"why aren't there more positive stories about this fixed bloodsport in which racist sex criminals beat each other to death for the entertainment of dudes with barbed wire tattoos who owe back child support"

It's exactly equivalent — neither "being prepared by a Muslim" nor "containing GMOs" is actually dangerous at all, and they are only feared by brainless idiots. Showing the falsehood of the "labeling isn't banning" argument by indicating what the purpose of a "Muslim-free food" label would be might get through to you

lol GENES gonna give me cancer cause the guy from the dead kennedys yelled FRANKENFOOD at me

Fuck you, Kevin Trudeau.

Do you have any all-natural cures to sell us, you charlatan shithead?

GMO foods aren't hazardous unless you're a dipshit creationist / global warming denier / antivaxxer who thinks science is a bad word.

It's requiring people to advertise the absence of something that is safe to pander to lunatics.


They're hippie retards, and an alignment with Jezebel-style nihilistic pseudofeminism is perfect because the goals of both are basically to destroy human civilization.

You're a retarded caveman who would ban the invention of fire because "further testing is needed" if you had the chance.