
Actually, no, we’d be more like cats, some are orange, some are white, they’re all cats.

Not quite- its not a roadway yet- it’s a private path, so no speed limit most likely (depending on how Cali road laws are written). Regardless, the bigger issue is that it wasn't supposed to be used by cars- it was supposed to be like a Subway.  This is hugely different. It's just an underground tunnel.

Well right back at you 

Why do we need Pete Davidson to be dead? What does he subtract from the world?

The answers to those questions are the same for almost every member of the human race, including Pete, you, and I.

let’s keep in mind that applying logic to to the actions of those who suffer from serious mental illness issues is fucking stupid.

No orbit will be high enough when they RISE UP

There is nothing more criminal than wanting to look at the secondary sexual characteristics of the opposite sex. Its so god damned problematic. Could you imagine the violence that could result from a straight, probably white man looking at this 3d model? Im sorry, i have to vomit now. 

Nothing. Leave town. It sucks, and it’s hard, but I’d rather a few thousand, even a few hundred thousand people be inconvenienced than for us to trigger a catastrophic climate change event. Everyone pretend that these people have no agency, and are just trying to get by, but honestly, they’re propping up an industry

I only ever used Tumblr for adult content so I guess I’m never going back.

People are being willfully ignorant about this song at this point. The historical context has been explained ad nauseum re: the woman wanting to stay but being unable to say so explicitly due to social norms at the time and the man trying to give her reasons to stay so as to provide her with cover. And the line

I was so tickled by this animal that I said out loud in an Australian accent, “Awwwwwww, what’s up Knickers?” and now HR wants to speak with me.

Actually he took the idea of 10,000 hours from other (real) intellectual type people, and in the process misunderstood the results of their study.

This is what middle managers think smart people sound like.

It’s not a “mistake” and no one was in danger. He was a beat cop surrounded by actual trained SWAT members with sniper rifles. He not only didn’t need to be there but was a danger to everyone in the vicinity. This wasn’t a hot pursuit; there was all the time in the world to deal with the situation and he was not part

Well a no open fire orders is different from the 100% fire suppression schemes that many forestry management agencies take. One is to prevent accidental fires, the other puts out natural fires that should be left to burn while proactively working to ensure they don’t endanger the public.

I was thinking more of Predator. I know at least one pedestrian this system won’t be able to see.

So these aren’t wine flavored condoms? Not sure why I’m here now

You’re right.

“Without being able to confront your accusers and their accusations” - in court, when you are charged with a crime. Defending a right to ‘confront people who have been talking about you behind your back because you are an asshole’ as though it’s a legal right is laughable.