
They typed “Police” on your receipt because your egotistical ass said “officer” then “police officer” when they asked for your name. Why give someone that stupid a gun and badge?

He’s entitled to his opinion and comment, which was very relevant to the article about motion sickness, maybe try not to be such a cheeky cunt all the time.

I respectfully disagree. This guy was almost certainly a bully in school. He grew out of using physical violence to bully people and now finds other means to do it, probably especially to people of color. Calling the police is an easy way to be a bully since it transfers any potential direct conflict to the responding

Anyone not kissing the ring is a Soros agent. Didn't you know?

I didn’t realize this Howard Stern alum was getting paid by the DNC.

Good for Intel. These policies don’t mean anything unless they apply to everyone, and making your CEO resign for breaking it is a good sign.

No writer attribution? Cowardly. Also, I don’t approve of doxing anyone, even if they are garbage people. Work within the system or change it. Don’t be a little bitch about it. Let me go track down HamNo’s number and a few other choice writers since it’s open game.

He’s a douche, but this is not a good tactic

Everything plays into their persecution complex, and when there’s not enough they just manufacture bullshit out of thin air. Roseanne herself is actually well-known for doing this!

I know. Intolerance of intolerance is the worst kind of intolerance, isn’t it.



Our bodies are not built to fight large cats. We have thin skin that doesn’t do a good job protecting our vitals from large claws and huge teeth. We’re good at problem solving and throwing things, and we’re built to do some physical things quite well, but fighting large cats and bears is not what we excel at.

Jeff Bezos?

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

No one ever says this about Frederick Douglass, Harry Belafonte, Sidney Poiter, Henry Louis Gates, Quincy Jones, or James Brown. At point all of these Black men who championed or were a beacon for civil rights were dating/married to White women. So why don’t they get the same stank eye too?

It’s hilarious seeing all the people up thread declaring their love for double spaced sentences, while their entire comment has been collapsed into single space breaks.

The best part about posting stuff like this online is that HTML collapses multiple spaces into one anyway, so you have to go out of your way to have two visible spaces after a full stop.

So brave

Great, so people are going to deliberately use a silly animal meme as a basis for a larger social commentary just so they can get some karma.