
What pisses me off about this guy is he is going around buying big cats and calling it rescue. All his animals are cubs when acquired and the only way to get those is to purchase, it is even in his damn founding story! No one surrenders something worth a shit load of money! He’s perpetuating the industry he is trying

Of all the reasons to oppose national regulation, this is the stupidness one. Are you really that unaware of what’s been going on with driverless cars, from Google to Tesla? Heck, even the safest of the safe Volvo has self-driving cars, and they plan on making it a standard feature within the next few years.

Daily recommended intake of sugar is 0. That’s why there’s no percentage.

Everything about this is stupid. I’m a vegetarian. I was a vegan for 7 years.

The cholesterol limit was not “mysteriously dropped.” 30 years of scientific research have proven that dietary cholesterol has little to no impact on your bodies total cholesterol. Eating eggs does not lead to an increase in heart disease or

That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard today, and Fox News was on in the lunchroom. Your idea is really “Fuck it, I’m gonna die anyway, so why bother”?

And even when it’s up against a wall or mounted, I care about the placement of the ports, for example, there is a monitor I own that I do not care for, because everything juts out straight ahead, instead of pointed down or pointed to the side. Though typically monitors all output down, and tvs, output down and to the

interesting but jeez was the video overly dramatic. just show me the shot the aftermath and a slow mo of the shot.

Can’t they now pursue a civil suit?

If the idea of the 2nd Amendment is to ensure the citizenry can protect itself from a future tyrannical government (which if you have read the federalist papers and other writings of the drafters of the constitution, it is pretty clear that was the intent). How illogical would it be to grant that same government a big

I’m for gun reform but this is dumb. Guns are too simple and mostly mechanic, people will bypass this stuff easily. You just separate the electronics from the mechanics.

After following Gizmodo since the start, I feel for the editors here. Smartphones and Tablets have caused a convergence in tech gadgets to the point that many of them are rendered useless. When I first started coming on here, us gadget geeks were looking for the ultimate gadget to rule them all. Now it's here, we just


Listen, the very notion that they’re genuinely “doing” anything is flattering to them. If they were serious about some sort of insurrection against government, they could—would—have picked virtually any other building in North America to start it. They don’t want a fight. They want to get interviewed on Fox News.

“Ignorance is bliss when it comes to our heroes sometimes. Learning the truth is a mighty huge letdown.”

I know Portland, Maine is nice and all but did you really think the future of architecture was happening in Portland, Maine? Like, nothing in your head told you this was probably about the one in Oregon?

I don’t think nearly enough o the people reading this article are going to think this story takes place in Portland, ME (AKA The Other Portland). That’d be like getting upset that a story about Cleveland specify the city isn’t one of the 19 Clevelands in the US that aren’t in Ohio.

Here’s a close shot of the card that Harvey misread: