
Three episodes. It happens every three episodes.

Don’t want to see it? Disable auto-play and just start your next goddamn episode by clicking a button like a grownup.

If by “the internet” you mean your sister site, Lifehacker, then you are correct.

But it’s got star-of-david windows. Is there a big market for cubicle dividers in synagogue offices? They may have nailed that niche.

Yes, the proposal to build a literal brick wall around my desk will go over swimmingly with my boss, I’m sure.

I’m only slightly less unique. I’m a white conservitive that loves the show and NPR in general. I don’t always agree but they are far more centrist than most people are willing to admit. And I love a good story.

Evolved, not designed. :)

Why not, and I know this sounds crazy, just make the phone thicker to begin with and avoid this design catastrophe?

“Have you ever tried to imagine what a building built from one half US Capitol, and one half Beijing’s Temple of Heaven would look like?”

Oh, yeah, I forgot, we should leave indigenous cultures alone. Because they’re doing so much to better the world by clinging to the past and preserving lovely things like bride-burning and thighing. The REAL threat is Westernism and Science, not amoral lackwits with machetes and Kalashnikovs. My apologies for failing


Right. We wouldn’t have all these issues if everybody just spoke English like they’re supposed to.

I see WWII more as a jump/push to modern society, Europe is a much better place today than it was in 1938. Also compare Japan, Germany, and even Russia.

Oh wow, that’s actually the worst I’ve seen from Disney’s recycled frames. Mowgli’s hand is clearly bracing on nothing but air. I feel like for 10-15 frames the animator could have moved his arm or moved rock or something so it wasn’t so blatantly obvious. Although, this movie was at the point of Walt’s death, so who