
Because people like to think that they made the best choice, so they need to prove to themselves (and everyone else) that the alternative choice is inferior.

Actually, it's more like "a person abuses his position of authority to line his pockets by tricking people using flawed science, so let's out him"

I didn’t know your mom moved to Chicago.

You are not not allergic to all proteins that are in fish, you are allergic to a few particular proteins that happen to be present. When they do genetic modification of this type, they know EXACTLY which protein is being coded for, and they can do appropriate allergy testing and make warning labels.

Actually, humans do have a few physical advantages over most other animals. Most important among these is our incredible endurance. Compared to other animals, we basically do not get tired from walking. There are many tribes that hunt simply by slowly chasing an animal on foot until it tires itself out and can't run

Come and see the violence inherent in the system!

But chlorophyll reflects green light, therefore it absorbs every color except green. If plants absorbed green light then they would be purple or magenta.

I think we can all agree that too many cooks will spoil the broth.


Praise Allah

Gold is very inert, you'd have to eat a large amount of it over a long period of time to have any significant health effects. Gold leaf is only a fraction of a micron thick, so something like this will only contain a negligible amount of the metal.

How the hell do you not have oven mitts?

That's the strangest-looking lion I've ever seen.

Why is this animated?

Anyone who takes a cat, an obligate carnivore, and feeds it a vegan diet should be convicted of animal cruelty. Dogs are a bit more of a gray area, but it's probably a safe bet that a vegan diet is less than ideal for a dog.

Not going to lie, I thought this was the real thing from the thumbnail.

I live in Washington state, so my process looks something like this:

A guillotine is probably not that humane, surprisingly. There's a lot of evidence that a head continues to feel pain and other sensations for up to several minutes after being removed from the body.

Didn't Mythbusters do something similar to this?

Looks bony. Frog tastes fine to me, but I hate dealing with the little bones.