Aussie Doug

As a guy that’s bought a couple of new Jaguars in his lifetime this makes me sad.  They have had some great cars.  I don’t necessarily have a problem with taking a year off, but their plan going forward is pretty suspect.  The market for super luxury, super expensive EV’s is tiny and the chances of them successfully

She also brought her parents into the country. So ‘chain migration’

The US can force him to sell his satellites and SpaceX. 

Right before we put him in prison for treason. You know he only killed some Ukrainians not all like Putin wanted from him.

Every accusation is a confession. 

Melania: green card marriage with anchor babies... to put it in Fox News terms.

Government takes control of SpaeX and Starlink for “national security”.

Funny how the ones who cry the loudest usually have the most to hide.

It’ll at least make a fun gotcha question for MAGA nuts.

Imminent domain.

Musk will have his citizenship pulled at the same time Trump is put in jail.... or as you said, never.

This post is strictly theoretical. In the US, wealthy white men are in virtually no danger of being tried, convicted, and deported.

Apply the law.  I am so fucking sick of billionaires and celebs and uber rich assholes pulling shit that the rest of us get the book thrown at us for.  He lied on his form?  Pull his citizenship.  He knew he was lying....then his political contributions are illegal.  Prosecute him.

My kid is in school in Queens; this is absolutely 100% the parents’ fault. There is rarely any need to drive your kids in the first place:

the buses are not fans of this practice, and they’ve been ratting out the parents reporting a crime

Maybe we don’t need to drop out little darlings off directly at the school’s door. I get that not every family lives where it’s possible for them to get their kids to school on foot or bike, where school bus service (for public schools) might be inconvenient, and that some kids are a little young to send them on

i have only seen one episode and from what i saw, they are a bunch of hacks.

I was going to almost partly side with the parents, but really it’s not a problem the city made. It’s a problem the schools made by not setting up the school with an addequate way for parents to drop off. Whether that’s a public school system issue or private schools, I don’t know.

At this stage, whenever I hear “diesel shop”, I hear “illegal”,”rolling coal”, “fraud”, and “con”.

See me after class.