Yeah. so much stupid, but I thought this was the money quote.
Yeah. so much stupid, but I thought this was the money quote.
For all the people who can’t see why Musk is bad for Tesla — this is why. He keeps dragging the company off to new distractions and won’t let it focus on actually delivering on anything it had promised before. Sure, new promises create excitement, but you can only squeeze so much more new invest money out of each new…
I missed that when it first came out. Cold gas thrusters? On a car? For actual reals and not a nine-year-old’s concept art for an animated TV series?
Hopefully they can fly off into the sky mouthfucking each other right before some QC issue causes the thing to spectacularly burst into flames and killing both of them.
I just saw a Tesla Roadster for sale in Costco. It’s an RC car made by Hot Wheels, but it’s the closest you’ll probably ever get.
We’d all love to work on the next-gen Tesla Roadster, it’s super fun, and we are working on it, but it has to come behind the things that have a more serious impact on the good of the world.
Yeah, I read that when it first came out and just sighed. Like, it’s neat and absurd... but it’s also so... so very dumb. Everything about what Dear Elon wants from the new Roadster is just not what I’m looking for. I was really hoping that Lotus would bring it full circle when they announced that they were switching…
“the over seven years the car has been in development, though he did say that the company was “finally making progress” on the car." Seven years. Seven freaking years. You have got to be kidding me. After seven years you shouldn't be "making progress", you should be at mid cycle refresh.
I’m betting the stans who hand over the cash want king Elmo to have it.
I suggest Elmo and ‘ol Pete star in a remake of Thelma and Louise, but just of that last scene. They can use their “flying car” if they want. I just want them to drive off the edge of the Grand Canyon together. Then we can let physics take over from there.
just a two-door Model S with fart cans. Sorry, “cold gas thrusters” or whatever they want to call it.
Even if Tesla ever does release a new Roadster, it won’t be the successor to the original Roadster that I want. The original was still fairly light, small, fast, simple and fun as hell. There is no timeline where the new Roadster isn’t just a two-door Model S with fart cans. Sorry, “cold gas thrusters” or whatever…
it’s really going to be something spectacular.
Stock is up over 20% right now…
He should make a flying car for Gay Vampire Peter Thiel, and maybe team up with Boeing to make it happen too. Skygate they can call it.
If it’s going to rupture ear drums, and possibly tear anything that gets too close to the nozzles to shreds with 1500 mph blasts of air, this is clearly something that has no chance in hell of being allowed to be used on the road. In that case, why bother being limited to the shitty impulse of compressed air instead…
This right here. I’ll assume this would be considered an exhaust and fall under noise level regulations that most states have. Pretty sure 27kg/s of air is going to well exceed 100db.
Although I’m sure this is just Elon being Elon and this never has a remote chance of being reality in a production car.
Exactly. The amount of potential energy stored in a 55l tank @ 6000 PSI is enormous. Just be grateful that if anything should happen you’d likely be turned into a pink mist before your brain has a chance to register any pain.
Its a novel idea at least if you are reaching the limits of tires grip get thrust from another vector. But you have to factor in packaging where are you going to put this system and how much will it weigh? I would take a slight decrease in … thrust to have a more nimble sports car. Why is musk so obsessed with…
Yeah, I don’t want a 6000 PSI air tank designed and built by Tesla anywhere near me, let alone directly behind me sitting on top of 800KG of li-ion batteries.