
It sucks for people who can’t use their real names because of limitations like these. Why my parents named me Bumcheese, I’ll never know, but I’m proud to be in the Fuckleshitz family.

Thank you! That’s all I’m saying.

CDPR made the choice to foreground trans and gender-nonconforming people in their marketing for this game, and they also chose to make those depictions dismissive, fetishizing, or otherwise shitty. Trans critics are going to bring that into the review and it’s entirely justified, especially because for a lot of

Sorry, but as a (non-gaming) software developer myself, I can’t support the “Your last product was a failure, so fuck off and die” school of management.

I feel like pedophilia is still worse.

pictured: celebrity victims of “cancel culture”

Wow. You admire someone’s ability to be an unrepentant bigot. Bravo, you are also an asshole.

Don’t be so fucking stupid.

If you slash the tires, hell yeah I’m just gonna let you. You are clearly a psychotic maniac with a knife, and I got insurance. If you slap my partner, I’m gonna try and stop her from pounding you into a paste and urge her to leave. She has a temper and she can look after herself. Neither case is gonna involve the

It’s easy to understand.

Thank you for your reply Joel. Yes, I realize the contradiction in absolutely being opposed to saying “All Lives Matter” but also thinking “don’t all trans lives matter?” and that’s something I just have to work on. Thank you again for taking a moment to explain and really drive it home.

Minority communities were impacted greater than white communities. This has led to a presumption by white communities that susceptibility to Coronavirus is tied to socio-economic/race conditions. NOT, with being in non-essential jobs or being able to work from home.

You Americans and your funny illusions of freedom. You may be armed against the tyranny of government (a threat which isn’t really that significant in the civilised world right now) but you’ve disarmed yourselves against corporate tyranny (a threat which is significant). You’ve become so myopic about the government

Ah yes, the Pokemon fandom effect in full force

Texture was a big part of my picky eating as a kid. I couldn’t stand any detectable fat or gristle on meat or skin on chicken, and given that kids don’t often have the fine motor skills to precisely cut those parts off a steak, it meant I didn’t often like eating steak. Similarly, I didn’t understand the point of

To summarize an old post of mine, Gamers were never to really prepared to have their hobby *actually* treated like the form of art they always kept shouting that it was. They’re art when it needs to be protected, but they’re mindless toys come time to examine them.

I keep a safety pin pinned inside my laptop bag. In a pinch it is a port lint remover, a SIM tray puller, a short-circuit builder, and, in more pedestrian moments, an emergency clothing repair device.

Ugh... but what happens when it’s only specific chargers, other ones stay plugged in well!

Nobody who has suffered under Capitalism, or you know, has read a history book, thinks Capitalism is a good thing. It’s just old burnt out yuppies, dumb Boomers who think they’re oppressed, and actual violent revolutionaries who think Capitalism works. Ask the ghosts of 100 million people who died under its heel in

I love how these people breeze past the problems of capitalism. I’ve walked capitalist countries all over the world and in many - most - I see orphans, with various deformities, begging on the street in the middle of the night, alone. Even the intact families struggle to survive. Don’t even get me started on what