
Your experiences are not universal. I have been on hiring committees that just throw out the resumes without a degree because there are a dozen others that have it. That is not an uncommon practice. Even for people who have a decade of experience without a degree get thrown in the trash.

There is a certain point of income where $1000/month for loan repayment doesn’t impact your ability to afford things like saving for retirement, or paying medical bills, or replacing the car that is a year away from dying completely (because most places in the US don’t have transit). That point is higher than what

“The Democratic view is that *I* should pay so others can go to college. How does that make sense?”

Fortunately the plan also includes universal free higher education, so it won’t continue the cycle.

Sort of like the public service debt forgiveness program that rejected *checks notes* 99.5% of applicants (206 approvals of 41,000 applicants) when the first year of them became eligible and is slated to be axed in the budget? Hard to put your trust in a debt forgiveness program that spans government party switches.

Saddling 18 year olds with thousands of dollars in debt, essentially chaining that debt to them for the rest of their lives before they can even comprehend how much $30,000/term is, is wrong. The millennial generation was browbeat for their entire lives that they had to go to college to get a degree in order to get a

Even community college rates have shot up, same with state schools. You can still end up with 10s of thousands of dollars in debt over 4 years, even with working. You can’t just work your way through school like you used to - $7.25/hr doesn’t go as far as it used it, and minimum wage jobs are about the only ones

Debt forgiveness is one aspect of this - alleviating the $1.4 trillion debt crisis that makes the sub-prime lending/housing crisis look like a walk in the park.

Not everyone is a nihilistic “fuck the world I did ok so fuck everyone else”. Some of us actually care about the crushing debt destroying an entire generation of people who were sold hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt before they were old enough to get a credit card.

So if it is on assets, they will hide asset offshore.”

It’s not about learning “that shit” so much as it’s about your resume going in the garbage without a second thought when you don’t have a 4 year degree, and then chucklefucks on the internet blaming you for not going to university while also blaming the people who did go for their own debt issues.

I would never start someone off with an edible - it’s easy to smoke/vape just a little bit and see where it goes in the next 30 seconds-15 minutes, then have more or stop. Eat an edible (or sublingual oils) and you are locked in to that dose for hooours.

I think, when it comes to big things, forgiveness is a less useful word then something like “processing”. I’ve processed my trauma, it doesn’t have the same impact on me it used to, but saying I’ve forgiven something feels wrong.

I think I’m asking something that’s not possible - and that’s to define forgiveness without using the word forgive. If where I’m at is in my life is forgiveness then so be it - but the word still feels wrong because of how I’ve perceived it to be viewed by society at large.

Right? Like what does that mean? What is forgiveness without some sort of forgetting/reconciling? Should it even be the same word? There needs to be a word for “I have processed this trauma, and it mostly doesn’t rule my life anymore, but if you were to get shivved in the liver and take a month to die I would throw a

That’s what I mean though - “forgiveness drains the poison from a past wound” - what does that actually mean? I’ve gone through therapy and worked on a lot of stuff and emerged on the other side a much better human being - but I’d never say that I’ve forgiven my father for his crimes against me (thankfully the 3

Forgive is such an odd word - I’ve spent years trying to figure out what it meant because to me it always meant letting someone off the hook, or forgetting what they did. And that might be fine for a lot of things - but the really big things? The life changing things? The things that you need therapy to talk about?

Canadian Geese absolutely give -zero- fucks about cars. They will stare at you, and honking at them only makes them move slower. Also, they are big enough to cause a lot of damage to a car if you hit them at any kind of speed.

I had a Sentra I had to get rid of after replacing the transmission 3 times (under warranty thank god) that had a push button start and I loved it so much. My replacement vehicle does not have it and I miss it. It’s a small thing, but not having to reach in to my pocket wearing winter gloves (or take my gloves off so

Totally true - but again all of those are formed around playing with a group of people that you can communicate well with. If you’ve got such a group you can play with then you’ll probably have fun (If making your own story up is fun for you - as there isn’t a ton/any game story). But the OP was asking about playing