

I was more of a Hatchet kid personally.

Calm down Red, we’re going from one language to another.

My best local pizza place has an Italian roast beef calzone with au jus dipping sauce and it’s amazing.

The chicken jalapeno cheese lean pocket with pretzel bread was my go-to when I worked in a grocery store. It’s delicious.

And if we’re talking face acting Brando’s “Look how they massacred my boy” from the first Godfather is worth consideration.

There’s approximately a 100% chance Lin-Manuel will be in the show in some capacity.

Obviously Barry Bluejeans should just be Tom Arnold.

I’m going to be very disappointed if the good boys and their dad aren’t voicing all their characters themselves. (I could see hiring some other VAs to take over some of Griffin’s NPCs).

I’m pretty sure the cookies are different too. They don’t absorb milk the same way and stay much crunchier after dunking.

So what big release will be announced for the week after in September? My money’s on Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines 2.

This is so good for me. 1. more time with FF7R 2. My wife has been hogging my gaming PC for schoolwork, but she’ll be done in August.

The joke he’s making is that the original Fighter 5 is now Fighter 1 of DLC pack 2, for the big reveal. Byleth is a replacement for that character.

At least they seem to be aware. They made a joke about it too.

So I went to a restaurant with my brother and he ordered fried cheese curds, but also asked if they could bring out a cup of caramel to dip them in. I thought this was weird, but it was actually pretty delicious. Like a funnel cake with a little bit of cheesy tang.

Baconator is Wendy’s.

FFVI:RM Episode 1 will be a full game, but if they don’t continue to remake the entire original story in subsequent episodes it’ll only be a “partial remake”. That’s my fear - that they’ll cancel the project after like Episode 2.