Dale would never believe any of the MAGA conspiracy theories because he’s already four conspiracies deeper than anyone else.
Dale would never believe any of the MAGA conspiracy theories because he’s already four conspiracies deeper than anyone else.
Super minor point here — I’d argue that most of the Big Mac’s distinction comes from the three-part bun, making it the club sandwich of fast-food burgers. While the sauce is neat, all the copycats have taken away any uniqueness it had, and it’s telling that you assumed it was thousand-island dressing before learning…
Nintendo pulled it ages ago because a Netflix employee linked info about it: https://www.engadget.com/zelda-netflix-live-action-show-leak-rumor-184755257.html
Aw man now I’m sad about the Best Friends channel again.
What is this awesomeness from? It has to be more than a gif!
Was really hoping WALL-E was going to be top 10, and maybe get Scat Cat somewhere on the list.
The problem is that you are assigning yourself as the arbiter of whether Indian is offensive in the context of the word pudding. Unless you are Indian, you don’t get a vote.
The issue is that Indians, themselves, prefer and use “Indian” in multiple contexts. My cousins live on an Indian reservation and nearly everyone on “the rez” uses Indian and dislikes “Native American”. White “allies” are concern trolling rather than listening to their voices.
This. Croissant crust pizzas are great, for a frozen pizza.
LOL Yeah, folks not from the Louisiana/south don’t even know what dirty rice is. That said I have NEVER seen it called Rice Dressing on their menu when they did have it.
Probably because all us ex-pat Southerners in parts north would kill for a decent biscuit.
Yeah, the thing with Perrin’s wife was a big WTF moment. Although perhaps that kind of trauma is the only way to explain him falling for someone as detestable as his future wife. I thought giving Moiraine that wound was questionable. I see why they did it, to show Nynaeve’s skill as Wisdom, but the last thing the show…
Correct. It’s not just Rand’s height, hair, and eye colour that make him unusual for a Two Rivers man, it’s his fair skin. Elaida specifically remarks on his skin colour when she notices the untanned skin under his sleeve when they meet in Caemlyn in the first book.
Brandon Sanderson is a terrifying infernal machine-creature that expels books from its genetically engineered cloaca. That is the only explanation that makes sense.
The Hobbit was intended to be two movies. I think we were all quite on board with that.
my one regret is i only have one star to give
Fun story: his wife, who was his fiancé back then and who is now currently a writer in Hollywood, drove the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile when the company relaunched the program back in 1988. I know because I was her partner, and have some very fond memories of the two of us traveling the Midwest together, bringing smiles…
Per Kosher dietary rules if you are served a meat dish you cannot serve/eat anything that contains dairy (the butter in the crust of the dessert) at that same meal.