
Wow, fuck November. Death Stranding, Fallen Order AND Pokemon a week later, Doom Eternal a week after that.

Root beer tip - if you’re getting bottled grocery store root beer, like Barqs or A&W, open it and let some of that carbonation out for a while before you drink it. IMO next-day root beer is way better because you get a lot more of the flavors without tons of carbonation covering it up.Just open it, put the cap back

Throwing Copper is a fucking good album. I’d also nominate The Toadies.

Well, it’s just one teacher. It’s not like you’re a student with a potential harem of teachers and oh my god has anybody made this H game yet?

Giving your students gifts so they like you enough to marry you after the time skip is grooming. Change my mind.

I’ve seen the phrase “vegetal nubs” on this site before. I think it was Kevin.

And they haven’t even REVEALED RemakeCid, who in my mind speaks with Matt Mercer’s “McCree” voice.

Also the best and most entertaining FF villain since Kefka.

Hm. Wrong take on Pikachu I think. He appears to be dressed as Mimikyu in tribute. As if to say “YOU’RE breathtaking!”

Yeah, that character won’t last too long.  It’s also possible that the section of the story he appears in is one of those fleshed out in the Extended Edition or whatever King released with like four thousand extra pages. That’s the only version I’ve read.

Can’t wait for release when we have Aeris doing lunges.

There’s a restaurant in my town that does guava & cream cheese empanadas. They’re wonderful. If you ever happen to find yourself in Denton, TX -

“Biding its time?” You mean the single most corrupt organization in the history of humanity hasn’t even *started* yet?

Did you do Ding Dongs? Not a candy bar, but a frozen classic.

Hold on. You didn’t even attempt Butterfingers? They’re great frozen.

Tom Hardy and that guy who looks exactly like Tom Hardy.

I always wished I had “grounding” when I was a kid. My parents used “restriction”, which meant staying in my room with no TV or videogames. I got restriction if I got lower than an A (at least until high school), or didn’t mow the yard good enough when I was 10.

I thought he came across as kind of a twat. Pitt looked cool. Hell even Manson looked cool.

You thought he looked cool?