
What happened to that coating or whatever that MIT invented that lets ketchup slide right out of the bottle?

Pff. That child is soft and weak. I watched Pee Wee’s Big Adventure with the Large Marge scene pretty much every day as a kid and that’s the way I liked it.

You’d think in a post Russo Brothers world that’ll start changing.

Just give me the GBA version with better music.

And it’ll cost $40, because Nintendo.

Thanks to US tax law it’s almost always better to take a cash prize option over a car or any other item of value.

Makes it faster. Doy.

Makes it faster. Doy.

I like to put honey in my Wheaties.

Man, as a tank I just hate that boss that summons all the adds. All the fights (and MUSIC OMG) in Akademia and Twinning are great though.

This movie is just an advertisement for Netflix’s shows.

We used to have a LJS/A&W. The A&W side closed and now it’s just LJS. I guess the combinations are endless!

Apparently all the classes are the 1.13 versions, so you get the OP warlocks and the “still bad because Blizzard doesn’t know what to do with them” paladins. Presumably when BC Classic servers hit they’ll be the 2.x versions at the end of that expansion.

Breakfast! Scrambled eggs are easy. Pancakes are easy. Bacon & sausage is easy.

Impossible Burger is actually on my list to try too, but mostly in a “challenge accepted” kind of way since most of their marketing is how it tastes just like beef. 

I’ve never had one of their burgers but I get a hankering for a steak finger basket from time to time.

I saw the shortage coming and grabbed one last Monday at lunch. It was *pretty* good, but it’s still pretty much just a chicken sandwich.

Tell me about it. Monster Hunter: Iceborne next week too.

You’ve made me realize I haven’t been living to my fattest potential.

*looks through the list of new stuff* Well this all looks pretty standa-