

She’ll likely only be in one episode of the first season unless they restructure the story.

Books like 7-10 can be smooshed down into one season..

I disagree with your friends.

It’s super weird. I was fine with the narration in 4 telling you that you need to go to bed, but making it a *character* telling you just felt so much worse.

I’m wanting to say Persona 3 gave you the option to stay up late to study or do an activity, but you took some other penalty for sleeping less? I may be imagining that.

I picked Lions and can confirm Hilda *is* recruitable.

Mild spoiler I guess but Dimitri unlocks absurdly strong unique classes in Part 2 (presumably all the protags do), so training him as a wyvern rider might not be the best path. Though I’m sure he looks cool as fuck.

I’ve had similar problems with slow pancake service at Denny’s. My friends get a singe regular meal and I get AYCE pancakes, and they’re all done by the time I get my second serving.

keep an eye out for an upcoming episode where Randall Park keeps talking about some cool new family he just met

From the product description - “Play as your favorite Harry Potter character” 

From the product description - “Play as your favorite Harry Potter character” 

Now playing

There’s a No Small Parts episode about an actor with Down Syndrome, Josh “The Ponceman” Perry -

Chris Jericho amusingly still goes by Y2J sometimes.

Incidentally, y’all go listen to Jason Isbell. He’s a great singer and songwriter.

0% chance I would recognize that as a biscuit.

BLUE LIONZ 4 LYFE (or until my next playthrough).

Yeah when all the guys in Predator got their shit pushed in I thought “wow, what a bunch of pussies”.

Right? JCVD in Kickboxer AND Bloodsport?

Look at them, just dicking around all summer and not preparing for winter.