
Free avocado at Mooyah too.

Alright gang, let’s see who’s behind this article.

Yeah, love when there’s a videogame in a modern setting and the sounds are all 8-bit Pew Pews.

Also, more nightmare fuel:

No more Halloween. It glorifies ghosts and skeletons, both of which should remain in their graves.

Is it like when you forget somebody’s name and you’re like “Oh hey...buuuuddy”.

Nah, I went male and haven’t gotten Leonie to join. Dorothea joined up really quick though, but not instantly.

Hoes before bros for Sylvain.

Same! I was charmed by the Blue Lion crew, but found the Deer mostly boring.

If I were the owner I would certainly establish a policy that orders of more than 2 or 3 pizzas require prepayment.

My favorite line in the movie is “I thought it was my mom’s old douchebag but that’s in Ohio.”

Well Alan Moore is a genius and Lindelof is a fucking hack who can’t write, so.

Gita edited it. The original paragraph said “only one will live.”

Wonder when we’ll get a confirmation about app availability. I’ll be annoyed if I can’t get it on my Fire TV.

Ross is an academic, so statistically Hillary or Jill Stein?

I still have a soft spot in my heart for cafeteria salisbury steak. I’ve tried other frozen ones from the grocery store and none of them really nail it.

One thing that annoys about those games is I’ll find a vent or whatever and go “oh sweet time to sneak around” and it just takes me outside the building or whatever because it was supposed to be another secret entrance that I didn’t find.