
If the real world worked like this, Darwinism would be screwed, and the developers would have nerfed those OP “monkeys with sticks” millennia ago.

Its cuz ur girl’s dad was ded. No 1 cud have posibly been phone

So ur with ur honey and yur making out wen the phone rigns. U anser it n the vioce is “wut r u doing wit my daughter?” U tell ur girl n she say “my dad is ded”. THEN WHO WAS PHONE?

What if Sean Murray is the disgruntled employee and the hack is an excuse for being drunk and tweeting/emailing out your real feelings? O.o

Let me take you, into the mind of a racist....
“Oh shit...I’m fucking up. I honestly thought I was going to out smart this woman. She’s got no legs, and she’s still kicking my ass. But wait a sad nights of staying up late trolling on forums has prepared me for this moment....”
“Senator, Kirk, 30 seconds to

Litten became ridiculous, Popplio sort of semi redeemed itself and Rowlet proved itself as best starter every step of the way.

It’s not only about games. I’ve seen some time ago a study mentionning that people are more likely to trust their own “friends” (read: most online people on social media they haven’t even met in real life), than trusting proper news sources run by professionals.

To be fair, it’s not like any review from any major games media site will report on the “half assed unfinished broken game” anyway. So even if Bethesda weren’t doing this, gamers would STILL end up wasting money on it. Majority of reviews these days, particularly early reviews are nothing more than a 5,000 word

Oh come now. ;)

Can I just say, this kind of off the cuff articulate discussion about the complexities surrounding video game culture will have me following your writing wherever it leads you.

14. Apple Slowly Tries to Replace Language With Emoji

15. Your favourite Sci-Fi blog sees many of the core staff leave and the void is slowly filled with generic rubbish and/or content from other sites that has no relevance.

15. Kinja

Nah, my guess is that she realized he was no fun in that he didn’t participate in the playful teasing about his phone and instead got all self conscious about his Phone OS. Not a great dating move.

Hipsters can be pretty hard to understand. They’re waaay more individualistic and expressive, which means they do exactly as their friends do. Anything from glasses to beards to jeans cut is carefully culled from market research they do independently but quite unconsciously from their pool of peers, and then emulated.

This is the man who asked Google Assistant “what is a good date spot near me?”

I’m sorry that you don’t have the capacity for individuality and can be actually shamed by something as meaningless as the electronic communicator in your pocket.

I’ve got to be one of the only people on the planet who doesn’t think Paranormal Activity is a good movie/series.

[REC] definitely gets my vote. Creepy as fuck. But stay away from the sequels and vastly inferior remake, Quarantine.