
Not bad. They’re the first set of legendaries in a while that don’t look like overdesigned Digimon rejects.

No but they should handle the damage control for delays and issues like the ones that have plagued SFV since launch. Capcom had been silent all month long and never even hinted that anything was delayed until the trailer dropped on the 30th.

It might, but there wasn’t originally supposed to be a character release in June, so Balrog could still come out in July as planned.

It’s been confirmed that she won’t even be allowed to be used at EVO since she won’t have been out for long enough.

The game had some serious problems, but 8's soundtrack was amazing. Fisherman’s Horizon is probably the comfiest track in the series.

That entire channel is a gift to the universe.

Yeah I’m having a real hard time getting excited about Square Enix products no matter how much they try to hype them up. Their games are just so flat and sanitized now, especially the characters.

We want the Dark Souls audience.

Does the Gold Car drive on water?

you cannot create custom soundtracks with your favorite tunes, because of regional copyright issues

Well, if you’re fooling around and trolling someone is still getting that loot, it’s just the other team.

And then we just need a portable treadmill-powered generator to finish and we’ll never have to confront real reality again.

Sounds like a diplomatic way of saying “Fucking Millennials.”

That flying fox float thing she can do now looks like it’s going to be a lot of fun. Or incredibly irritating if you’re on the receiving end.

Clearly it was a rush job. I mean it’s the 30th and there’s still no sign of the ”””””””May””””””” update.

To be fair USF4 included probably more than half of the characters who have ever been playable in the series.

Yeah screw those characters with unique movesets. What we need is another shoto!

I heard Blizzard’s marketing team is working on a way to broadcast Overwatch promotional materials into people’s dreams when they sleep.

The OS should not force you to restart after X amount of time with no way to postpone further. Microsoft has always been anti-user but the level they’ve taken it to with W10 is completely ridiculous.

no dad no