
These assholes from Farron Swamp/Demon Ruins are by far the worst enemies in the game, particularly the unarmed ones with the grab attack and that ridiculous 20 foot jump that they can’t be staggered out of where they land on your head.

If you whip out a torch the leeches instantly burn away and stop building up your bleed meter.

Came here to say this. The golden ones on top of the Grand Archives especially. They hit like trucks and that orbital cannon beam miracle thing they do from range is annoying as hell.

Dark Souls 1 was similar too, you could see all the way down into Darkroot forest from the Undead Parish for example.

A countdown to a countdown to a countdown

Strikers was pretty great. Imbalanced as hell but fun.

Because having the exact cast of Hyper Fighting in every single Street Fighter game would get old after a while.

Guile is still fully charge-based.

I like how it also labels you as “Host of Embers” too so an invader can’t just look at your name and tell you’re not the host.

Funny thing is you can damage them while they’re on the ladder, I think it’s just the dismounting animation that gives invincibility. Or they’re just immune to the kick since that only staggers normally and doesn’t do damage.

I think the Scraping Spear from Demon’s Souls still takes the cake for most trollish PvP weapon ever.

Still remember all the times I tried to help people with Gargoyles only for some chucklefuck to invade with a fully upgraded pyro hand and immediately one shot everyone with Black Flame/Great Combustion.

Are you sure you played Dark Souls?

Between generic drill-haired witch, generic pink-haired shrinking-violet waif-mage forced love-interest and generic lolibait cleric I’m having a real tough time deciding who my waifu is.

I just don’t see this ending well if they’re forcing developers to optimize their games to two different hardware specs. I expect we’ll end up with games that are optimized to the base PS4 with hastily upscaled assets for the Neo, and then later in the lifecycle you’ll have games that are made for the Neo first and

In what way is it a good idea to expect people to shell out $400 for gaming hardware every 3 years?

But can it do Blast Processing?

As in, follow the path of yeast resistance?

Well at least they didn’t get the Rock to play Batou.

“Twenty years earlier, this would’ve been Milla Jovovich.”