
Yeah I’m there right now, I’m about 9500 pages in. It feels like the last 1500 or so the pacing has turned glacial with walls of text (fuck the character select screens) in lieu of the cleverness of the early days, although it still has the odd moment.

Slice of Life.

Gotta love how articles like these on kotaku get a few dozen comments with many of them some variation of “he enjoys playing video games? what a loser lol”.

That’s what I thought too. But wouldn’t you involuntarily poop after holding it in for so long?

Can someone working in the postal service maybe comment on how likely it is that a package full of feces would actually make it to its destination?

*Urthank the Destroyer gained a level!*

What always annoys me most about these systems is that since most actions are filed under either “good” or “evil”, being neutrally aligned usually means being an unpredictable psychopath who donates his live savings to the church one moment and then fireballs a bus full of orphans the next.

I loved FFXII. Way way better than X or XIII.

My favorite thing about this is that he destroys the entire solar system yet the attack literally couldn’t kill you.

People gave the spell animations in FFVII a hard time, but Eden was in a whole other league.

Damn, WoW’s graphics are looking better than ever.

Ahhh Ganon, or some say Ganondorf...

Empire Earth literally is Age of Empires with extra ages. And it’s unfocused and terrible as a result.

You’d have to be insane to actually expect this game to end up being comparable to those.

Hey! Listen!
Wolfos hunt in packs!

Nintendo’s typical Zelda marketing strategy seems to be “maybe if we say Ocarina of Time enough times people will buy this game.”

Quest #265 (50%):
[X] Obtain 65 Octorok Skulls
[ ] Deliver to Nauru the Innkeeper

I honestly feel like the Souls games are much closer to the original LoZ than current Zelda games are.

It’s too cerebral! We’re trying to make a movie here, not a film!

Something “aging well” assumes that it was good to begin with.