You know I actually think this would make a better movie than a game. Just put Jackie Chan in a ladder factory and the bad guys are an international snake smuggling ring.
You know I actually think this would make a better movie than a game. Just put Jackie Chan in a ladder factory and the bad guys are an international snake smuggling ring.
If there’s one thing that will end all debate as to whether shooters cause violent behavior, it’s a Monopoly themed FPS.
If we want to talk camping in Uncharted, nothing beats the Pistole in Uncharted 2 for cheapness.
If they allow opting out of invasions then literally everyone would always opt out of PvP and it would be impossible to invade anyone outside of the designated arena area.
It’s more CPU intensive than anything as it has to track the state of potentially tens of thousands of blocks at a time, many of which may doing things that require processing on each game tick. I run it fine on my laptop which has just the basic stock GPU but an i7 processor.
It is opt-out. You opt out by dying and playing while hollowed.
As much as I don’t like PewDiePie I don’t think he can really be blamed here. It’s not like he actively encouraged his shitty fanbase to spam negative reviews for the game. They did that on their own. All PewDiePie did was give his opinion, albeit in an inflammatory way. It’s not like we can just expect people to…
“Well sure, this bus driver ran the bus off the road and sent it hurtling off the side of a bridge into the river below, but since I do not myself have a driver’s license I have no right to complain.”
If it’s one third combat, one third world design, and one third boss battles then surely it’s really two thirds combat?
Actually just realized that minus the alcoholic part this is basically Final Fantasy VIII.
I don’t recognize many of those characters but I think it’s a little disingenuous to include Chris from RE5 when he shares the leading role with a black woman.
Man, playing as massive cuboid slabs of beef and blowing up aliens just never got old, did it?
When are we getting a game about gruff acloholic loners whose families are deeeeaaaaaaaaad and who save the world through the power of friendship?
Here’s a crazy idea. Instead of making it a live action TV series, why don’t they do it animated instead? Oh that’s right...
I don’t think it’s really fair to say that Desmond is the worst brooding white male. I mean there are probably over a trillion examples of that type of character. 10th place ain’t bad at all with that much competition.
Who cares who the producer is? It’s directed by the genius who brought us that modern-day classic, that cinematic masterpiece, Snow White and the Huntsman. He’s truly the Orson Welles of our time.
Vin Diesel
Watch, their “Laughing Man” will be a 17-year-old 4channer who hacks into the Pentagon.
What is negatively assumed IS based on what is known, namely it is known that every SINGLE western (and even most Japanese) live action adaptation of an anime/manga is complete shit. This literally cannot be denied.
Watch, they’ll rename the character to “Michelle Kelly” or something and set the movie in Los Angeles like Gunflame said. Aramaki will be the token Magical Asian Man. Fuck why am I even still here this is just depressing at this point.