set in the U.S.
set in the U.S.
I’m actually fine with them whitewashing the lead - at least this way no one will be fooled into thinking this movie will be anything other than utter garbage.
Is there a reason we are acknowledging the existence of this mess?
You mean like this?
Why does the xenomorph look like a guy wearing a xenomorph costume?
I drunkenly entered her box
Why is Eren’s crotch smoking in that one screenshot?
I don’t mind that version of Ryu too much, but is that meant to be Bipson on the right? Ew.
That was some Neo-limboing-under-bullets shit.
You might be waiting quite a while. I’d suggest trying out mods (on version 1.7.10) if you want that kind of stuff. Immersive Engineering and Remain in Motion are two that come to mind.
Yes, it takes months of work for individual modders like Azanor and Vazkii to add more content to the game than Mojang’s whole team did in a year.
Liberals should be rooting for Trump more than anyone. At least some of his opponents for the GOP nomination are almost electable if you’re that way inclined.
But he shot them so good
Wait, so they actually expect people to unironically pay 10bux to play these broken messes of games?
Ryu’s kawaii victory jump at the end is even better though.
Ah, the ol’ “reclining” shitstorm.
Haha, Tali? You must mean Liara.
And if you find yourself dying over and over in a blue room with about six inches of water, check online. There’s a bit of a cheat to make that easier.
All three games are very linear, but they get a lot better after the first, which was really repetitive with the enemies you fought. You should give 2 a try if you get the chance. Really improves on the combat, environments, story.
The game’s pre-built indoor areas all have ridiculously high ceilings to combat the camera issues. So, if you plan to build any multi-story buildings in Dragon Quest Builders, better make that second story freakishly high if you want to be able to see when inside.