
Sorry, what’s the argument here?

Who could ever have predicted the most heavily advertised game of the year actually won Game of the Year?

Like I said in another thread, not punishing leaving would be a mistake. For one thing it removes any incentive not to ragequit. I don’t really care if I get points or not from someone ragequitting. If they’re that bad it probably wasn’t a very good match anyway, but if they don’t lose points it will reach a point

If the person who quits doesn’t lose points this will be abused by people boosting - purposefully matching up with someone they know who’ll quit on purpose to artificially boost the other person’s points.

Pretty good troll. Made me reply. :^)

Not trying to make excuses for Capcom releasing the game incomplete but I’m frankly amazed to hear people willingly play against the AI when they’re not forced to do it to unlock things. There are a lot of masochists out there.

People actually play arcade mode?

The servers seem to be broken. I got it early (the day before launch) and was getting matches every couple of minutes while in training mode.

This can all be explained by new cutting edge cosmetic surgery technologies coming out of Japan. They’ve actually started to use helium to fill breast implants instead of silicone.

I don’t see why not. Rufus had some pretty groundbreaking jiggle physics in IV.

I agree numeric scores are awful, and in practice always turn a 10-point scale into a 5-point one where 6 is unplayable garbage, 7 is average, 8 is “good” and 9-10 are “good and they bought ad space”.

The video uses FPS as an example. At least that genre has the potential to have an enjoyable single player campaign. Fighting game single player though is almost universally horrible.

“I actually enjoy the SP modes in fighting games” - no one ever

Some of these will doubtlessly center on the new V-Gauge system, which fills up as the player takes damage and fuels special V-Skills that vary from character to character. Ryu’s V-Skill lets him automatically parry a flurry of attacks, for example, while Rashid’s V-Skill triggers a whirlwind that can be both a

I’m not sure if the input system does or doesn’t allow plinking, but it’s not even really required anymore as there’s now a 3-frame buffer window for links. So if you press the next button within 3 frames of your recovery it’ll come out on the first possible frame. Execution is much easier than before.

It also functions as a consolation.

Like other people have said, between weak punishes, failed anti-airs and trying to parry things that would have been better off blocked, it’s obvious Daigo wasn’t trying very hard. But whether he wanted to hand Lupe the set or just keep it close is something we’ll never know.

Yeah I was thinking it looked like he used the wrong DP at the end.

They seem to be cutting content in every area to get the game out on time. Like from what I’ve been hearing online lobbies are going to be limited to 2 players until they add the proper lobbies feature next month.