What’s the point of wasting money on personality testing employees?
What’s the point of wasting money on personality testing employees?
What’s the bottom right picture saying? Don’t let them get struck by lightning?
It’s difficult to imagine clearer evidence of gender bias in the gaming industry.
Raichu is the better-in-every-way older child who gets neglected while his spoiled shit of a younger brother gets all the toys and attention.
Clefairy is far too bloody high though.
Plesiosaurs are fucking cool. That’s all there is to it.
Am I the only one who was always bothered by the redundancy in the phrase “at least a hunded and fifty or more”?
I always liked Parasect’s (and Paras’) design but god, what a piece of shit.
Oddish second worst? Porygon second best? Fearow lower than Dodrio?
What if Zelda was a girl?
I dunno. While it was a gorgeous looking game, I felt like gameplay let it down. Once you had your sword powered up you could just streamroll entire screens full of enemies instantly.
Gotta love OnlyAfro. Speaking of which, ever see Gravelorded Anor Londo?
What did you think all those drones were really for?
I actually like how Bloodborne narrowed the focus of combat to a more fast-paced evasion-based approach. One of the things I’ve hated about the Souls games, especially in PvE, was how investing in magic leads to a playstyle where you’re just walking backwards spamming some ranged magic while the AI runs helplessly…
It looks like some of the stuff made it into later games though. Like the area looks quite similar to Anor Londo style-wise, and some of the cut enemies like the snake men made it into Dark Souls too.
I feel like what Dark Souls got wrong was not making easier to invade.
The civility in PvP invasions started back then too.
Well, he has done some good in recent years. And by some good I mean inspired a truly great twitter parody account.
I have male RBF and I’ve had women say that shit to me plenty of times.