Shocked Rivers

The IDGAF hair is the best.

Yeah except the don’t exist. And nobody is dumb enough to spend all they have on lottery tickets.*

Shut it down, we have a winner.

Couldn’t completely undo the method acting as Howard Hughes. He places them in a hermetically sealed room and watches through the window. Mormon man servants clean up after they leave.

Jiminy Christmas, I’d prefer some quick anal over an evening of Catan with Leo. And I’m a het male.

Ooo! Moon Knight would be kick ass!

Yeah but that is the kink, it’s not so you can say you did.

This is great but can we please get the planned Iron Fist show? It looks like they’re scrapping it and doing a Punisher show. The Punisher is so fucking boring, guns guns guns guns. I want the kung-fu magic living weapon vs an evil ninja horde, not bunch of people shooting each other.

In a darkly lit, cigar smoke-filled room, a meeting of the 1952 GOP button committee...

I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion.

I couldn’t decide, so here’s two:

If there’s anything with Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe on it I’m in.

Wanna come “rob my bank” this weekend? The wife just kicked me out and I have a sweet airbnb lined up.

Whitlock: #igiveup

Y’all know this is college football, right?

I know, right?? How was basically nothing on camera distracting?

And nobody has a problem with the underage girl at 0:58 feeling herself up?