Shocked Rivers

Can we call her a BRILF?

Don’t tell me that, you’re on drugs!

Lace is less concerned with vegetables or being a widow than with the apparently insurmountable task of controlling her violent id, who is also named Lace.

Problem there is folks might be confused and think you’re hijacking the big old butts. Which is actually kinda cool, too.

Never change.

She is a Pisces.

Was the first thing I thought when I saw “shapely.” Was BIG BOOB BANDIT taken or something?

Now playing

There must have been two dozen Peters and Pauls at the wedding. Plus, they were all married to girls named Marie. And they named all their daughters Marie.

Immersive Love Making

Air balalaika. She’s a commie!

Plus just plain dumb; pretty easy to do it with legs together.

But you used to get a number of bonus dolls with your Soviet Girl dolls; that must have been cool.

It’s a shame they were out of timeouts, Mike Zimmer could have froze out the kicker and hoped for a successful kick on the second try.

He caught a tiger by the tail.

Flat circle?

Waffle House. Scattered, smothered, covered and chunked.