
Big McLargeHuge.

Man, Bethesda sure does know how to support their game launches. Launching on a Friday instead of a Tuesday? Not giving anyone advance copies? Going after indie game developers who use a very common word in a very distinctive title in a very different game?

...yeah, no, sorry, fuck you Bethesda.

This is why trademarks over common words are stupid :|

um...this came to mind because of Wolfenstein....I have no caption for it. anyone??

The only other extravagant character worthy of being in a war helmet.

FIIIIIIIINALLY, an opportunity to use this age of pun, and with the imagery fitting so perfectly too.

Hear no WW2

Awesome to see the ‘Shop Contest back! I haven’t uploaded a submission for ages so this seems like a good time to return.

“Picking stuff up in games will never get old.”

“Picking stuff up in games will never get old” is inscribed over the entrances to Ubisoft’s offices.

They would be stupid not to, seriously because of Rick and Morty that sauce is on everyone’s mind.

When McDonald’s brings it back I’m going to laugh my ass off.

I think the drive is just an excuse so this guy can blame him wanting to bang every other girl that smiles at him on the love of his life being SO FAR AWAY, because goddamn is that ever a trivial distance.

Yeah, the guy isn’t willing to put in the work to make an hour commute, he sure as hell isn’t going to put in the work to have healthy poly relationships. And he’s not even willing to put in the work to stay true to Janet. SPOILER ALERT: We’ve all felt lust. Guh, he sounds so entitled and lazy in his love life.

An hour and fifteen minutes away? Some people’s daily commute is longer than that...

And then it will be announced that he has come back from death in order to retire.

There will come a day when Miyazaki will have passed away and people will tell me that he will never make another film. And I won’t believe them then either.

Apparently the answer to that question is way too real for coddled little liberals.