He says what we’re all thinking, but too afraid to say.
He says what we’re all thinking, but too afraid to say.
“Turn-a right at the next sto- MAMMA MIA, A BLUE SHELL!!”
It’s funnier when it’s blatant. It’ll just drive more people away from the site.
It’s because it’s propaganda first, and a game/art second.
Bill Murray Towers is a great stage.
Bethesda should be suing themselves.
So they’ve blocked people on both angles now:
“The best fix to avoid this clunky experience would simply be to add a context-sensitive “Swap” option that only appears when the user tries to pick up a weapon or open a chest when the weapon inventory is full.”
You don’t have to retire everytime you want a break.
“Nobody gets left behind... because YOU’RE ALL GONNA BURN!!!”
It won’t work without Conan.
Stop giving the Fine Bros ideas.
Ya it’s pretty obvious too if you spend 30s on his channel to see Conan at some BDSM place being whipped, or trying to learn Korean.
More importantly, who’s the one paying to have these scenarios played out?
The bean one was Superstar saga, yes.
Or an eSports player.
The way he runs away, haha.
Haha, of course it was Mr. Water MelOWN:
Haha, even the giant crow starts dancing. This killed me.